My stomach dropped as he finally finished his sentence. I struggled to start getting away but he grasped my tighter. I opened my mouth to shout for help next but suddenly my body went limp and my mouth felt numb. Miles laughed deeply.

"You're not going anywhere. I need you to feel a little more scared before I'm full." Then his hands finally dropped from my arms. He came around to face me with a sick smirk of pleasure peeling his face apart.

I started to breathe harder when I couldn't move myself. What was happening? How had I become paralyzed? My heart was racing faster than it ever has before. I might have been scared of Franz, but he never actually really made me immobile!

Miles began talking again after taking in my appearance for two minutes, "You want to know what's happening." He stated as he slipped his shoes off. Miles picked them up and I watched his every move as he put them near the sink I hand never noticed before in this small room. He washed his hands and turned to face me, inhaling deeper.

"Your fear is orgasmic." He looked paler than before, and black veins were beginning to creep up his neck and break into his face. Now his hands were completely black, even his nails, and he creeped back to me with his equally black feet.

What was he?! I was breathing faster and that was all I had control over myself to do. A snap and a pop resounded in the room and I realized it was the crunch of cartilage inflating. His ears were growing longer at the tips, black and protruding like a demonic elf, and with every sound of snapping they made I was inwardly cringing.

"I am an elf." He stated matter of factly.

I wasn't even able to shake my head in disbelief.

"Yes, it's true my frightened fruitcake." Miles walked toward me, then he grabbed my jaw and yanked my face up, "You have made my boss very, very angry." He looked down at me with a bored expression, squeezing my jaw tightly until I was certain that he knew it hurt. Miles turned my head left and right and smiled bitterly again. "You're so scared that you're sweating bullets."

It was when I finally felt a drop roll down my temple that I knew he was right.

"Mm," He hummed in pleasure, "Big, fat, juicy bullets of terror and," Miles bent down to my face, "Distress." He hissed his 's' again before sticking his blackened tongue out and licking the sweat from the whole right side of my face.

Whereas my heart had actually slowed down during his monolog, at that action it picked up again.

It only made him chuckle, "I could beat off to that sound." He dragged his hand down my neck until it rested above my heart. Miles smiled cryptically.

"Master Franz is very disappointed that you left without a farewell." He told me.

My eyes widened. By now it was obvious that his boss was Franz, but I didn't want it to be true.

Miles continued speaking, "I'm his postcard." And this time when he smiled, I noticed that suddenly he had fewer teeth and every single one of them was sharp.

How could I be so naïve this whole time? Of course Franz wouldn't let me go so easily. It was a wonder he waited a month long at all. But to send me nightmares of Jeremy being slaughtered? What was he expecting me to do with that? Did Miles know who I was this whole time? Was it a coincidence that we met at school? I was so lost and angry, even more so, scared because now I had validation that Franz wasn't happy. And he was making that clear.

Miles grabbed me and threw me to the ground. I grunted but that was about all since I couldn't speak. He climbed on top of my torso and placed his blackened hands and longer black nails on my chest. "My job is to make you shit your pathetic pants every time you sleep. At night, I'm on you just like so." He grinned a chesire smile, "And you don't feel me at all because I'm naught but a mere shadow."

He was correct in that. Never had I felt anyone sitting on my stomach or pelvis during the night.

"I make you paralyzed." Miles continued, "I grab your neck like this." And he wrapped his hands around my throat.

I began to hyperventilate again, struggling for a proper flow of air to reach my lungs deeply. Miles only chuckled heartly.

"Just like that, you do the same in your sleep. I like squeezing you until sweat burst from your pores and I lick it up just like this." He bent forward and licked my forehead, both sides of my face and didn't sit up until he got a deep whiff of my hair. "It's so amazing how scared people can become."

It was then that I began to wonder if he got off on this. Was he like the more sadistic type of incubus? I wasn't sure, but one thing I was sure of was the anxiety that was growing in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to get out of here, any right minded person would. But I could feel the sense of panic in me rise and tell me that I would never get out, that Miles would kill me long before Franz ever would.

"Call me an Alp." His voice called me back to reality. "I cause nightmares, alptraum." He spat in German. His tongue whipped around in his mouth as it was now nothing more than a black cord. "My mother would be called a Night Mare."

Miles brought my arms onto my chest and rubbed my goosebumps with pleasure. "This is what we feed off of. Fear, and it's so delicious. Better than some mudslide." He said viciously, with a vendetta toward the drink.

But that's when it all clicked for me! That's why he seemed so familiar for no reason! But there was a reason! He was the bartender, the bartender from my first night at Hush! It was all beginning to make only a fraction more of sense. Miles noticed the realization on my face and laughed loudly.

"It's amusing how stupid you are. It makes me want to give you a good dream." He laughed more.

It was hard to find out what was funny in all of this, but maybe I thought that because I was the victim. I began to wonder whether this was a dream or not too. If it wasn't, then why hasn't his mother heard us yet? Could she not somehow feel that her son has shifted into his demonic form? What was the point of a motherly instinct if not even demons had it?

His laughing stopped abruptly. "My mother isn't here you fool. She has been off running errands. Now," He continued, "I'm going to tell you this once. On high noon of Saturday, you must go to Hush and meet Franz. He is done playing your games. If you do not, he will kill you. Understand?" Miles didn't wait for an answer because he knew I couldn't give one. "I'm going to knock you out and teleport you home. My job is done. I have no reason to continue giving you nightmares." He dragged his finger across my forehead and sucked my sweat from his finger, "Although I'll miss it."

And before I even had time to comprehend how disgusting he was, my world went black, as per usual nowadays.

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