His mother touched my forearm, "Miles will diagnose you here." She told me, "Oh, and also my name is Dr. Amee Hemmings. Most people call me Dr. Amee." She said.

"Thank you." I told her with a small smile.

She smiled back before leaving the room, closing the door after herself.

I turned and looked at Miles, who was staring at me intently. He was wearing black trousers with black suspenders and a green shirt tucked into his pants. Miles pulled one of the chairs open for me and I sat down, wondering why the atmosphere was becoming awkward. He sat across from me and handed me a clipboard with a sheet to fill out.

As I filled out the paper that questioned any plant-based allergies I had and the symptoms I was experiencing, I couldn't help but wonder if Miles was this antisocial with all the clients that came in or if it was just me. When I was finished I gave it to him while commending the thorough job this little shop did in making the client feel like they meant business and being taken care of. I felt like after today, I would no longer have those nightmares.

Miles looked over the form quietly yet quickly, because barely any time had passed at all before he looked up at me and began to speak.

"These nightmares you told me of, they're persisting I see." He noted.

I nodded my head diligently.

"Since you have no plant allergies, giving you some remedies should be easy." Then he stood up and walked behind me to the shelf that was there.

Or at least I thought he was.

Suddenly his hands grasped my arms violently against the table and pinned me down.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed as I tried to tug them up. However lithe he appeared, Miles was actually a lot stronger than me. "What the hell are you doing Miles?!"

I could feel and see his presence over my right shoulder and he pushed his nose into my hair and inhaled deeply. Then he pushed the breath out into my ear, along with a deep chuckle.

"I can smell the fear rolling off of you in waves." He stated and his voice was deeper and he hissed the letter 's'.


"Shut up." He commanded, squeezing my arms tighter.

I gulped down what I wanted to say.

He laughed again, "I could just dance to that quick beat of your heart. How beautiful it sounds as it tries to give your weak and pathetic body enough blood to fight me off." Then he dug his nails into my forearms.

Tears from the pain of his nails breaking my skin started to well up in my eyes. Why was Miles doing this? His body did not match his strength and something in the back of my mind told me what I already knew.

He was some kind of demon.

But why was he after me? I never did anything to Miles, and he was actually one of my best students.

"All those pretty little nightmares..." He started, and his nose trailed down the side of my neck sniffing it and my shoulder. Miles hummed an appreciative sound, "Your fears taste so good. It's a shame you couldn't take them for longer."

It was like a frog was stuck in my throat. I couldn't speak, and even if I were to speak what the hell would I say? I tried to watch him, but now he was inhaling the back of my neck and groaning in pleasure so much so that it was the sounds he was making that terrified me, not entirely the predicament.

"You are so easy to frighten. Even now your goosebumps to me feel like," He rubbed my arms and it was then that I noticed the bumps of fear, "Feel like," Miles inhaled the other side of my neck, "Feels like the bumpiness of a tongue sucking me off."

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