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Carmen. Even with the sunrise hitting the back of her head as she drug her tired body home from her nightly activities. Her makeup still intact, her hair now in a bun atop her head and her denim jacket slung over her shoulder. And all Harry could think about was how a girl so fragile could do this every night.

He wanted to snatch her away from this and show her the life she deserved. But he couldn't, she wouldn't. So every morning he watched the most beautiful sight sneak into her dark house through his kitchen window. and with the thought of her fresh in his mind he sang

Its alarming how charming she can, fooling everyone, telling how she's having fun.

Carmen was used to this. She was used to putting on whatever short dress she could find, sneaking out, drinking and then coming home early in the morning. She liked that when she got home she could strip away that part of her life. And that's exactly what she did. The teenage girl slipped out of her tight dress and heels not even noticing that the green eyed man had his eyes glued to her body. he could feel himself harden at the sight of the innocent seventeen years of beauty that was undressing herself.

But he knew that he would have his chance with her and he knew that when he would she would want nothing but him. 

hi. i know this sucks 
love you

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