Chapter One

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I look in the mirror one last time, before turning around and facing my Mom. "Well, what do you think?" I ask while spinning around in my new dress.

"I love it sweetheart, but..." "But what?" I ask. "But I'm not sure what your father would say" My mom says before standing up and fixing my dress. The dress is beautiful, it's a strapless baby blue ball room dress with a white belt around my waist.

It hugs my figure quiet nicely.

"Why would Dad not approve of it?" I ask. "Well, you know how your father is about strapless dresses and tight clothing" my mom goes on about how dad wouldn't approve while I roll my eyes at how over protective my dad can be sometimes.

I'm about to graduate in a few weeks and he still won't let me go out by myself with my friends.

I sit down infront of my mirror and dig through my jewelry box, I end up picking out my grandmother's pearl necklace she gave to me for my sixteenth birthday. My mom helps me put it on and asks how I wanted my hair. "I guess just put it up In a tight bun" I reply.

My mom starts doing my hair while I start applying make up. After a couple of minutes im finally ready. I head down stairs and feel all eyes on me, I look over and my date is standing by the door waiting on me.

My date ended up being some guy that goes to my school that I don't even know. And the only reason I'm going with him is because he's my mom's friends son.

I get to the bottom of the steps and head towards the door

"Wait!" I here my mom call out "I want to get pictures first!"

My dad is behind her holding the camera and tells us to pose. I feel Cameron, my date, put his hand on my waist, I try not to roll my eyes but I cover it up with a smile. My dad takes the photo and gives me a hug before I leave out the door.

The whole drive to the school was awkward because Cameron drove to the school and I don't even know the guy. We made up small talk on the way there but that was about it.

When we got there I could here the music from way outside. Cameron and I start walking towards the door that lead to the gym where the party was held, the music got louder. I walked through the door and instantly lost Cameron in crowd.

I spotted my best friend, Caroline, by the punch table. I headed towards her and greeted her with a hug. She looked pretty as always, a dark green strapless dress that stopped at her knees and her red hair was loose coming past her shoulders.

"Hey, where's your date?" She asked "I don't know, I lost him as soon as we walked through the door" I replyed having to yell over the loud music. "You came with Cameron right?" I looked at her and she was looking into the crowd, "yea, why?" I asked "well, look over there." I followed her gaze and saw Cameron dancing with Ashlyn Evans aka; the biggest slut in school.

"Oh well, I didn't like him anyway. And plus he's not that cute " I said while looking over at Caroline "I don't want to spend the whole dance hanging out by the punch table like a loser" I said while dragging her out into the crowd by her hand.

After a few hours of dancing and eating a bunch of junk food off the snack bar with caroline. I bump into Caroline causing her to bump into Asylyn...causing Caroline to dump her punch all over Ashlyn's white dress that she kept bragging about to everyone the whole night. The whole room got quiet after Ashlyn started screeching like a god damn banshee.

"LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO MY DRESS!!" Ashlyn yells in carolines face. "I-i didn't mean to, I swear" Caroline trys apologizing but Ashlyn keeps yelling in her face. I step in between them "look ashlyn, I bumped into her it wasn't her fault, can't you see she's trying to apologize?" Ashlyn completely ignores me and dumps her punch on top of Carolines head, in front of everybody,

Caroline stands there for a few seconds in shock while everyone just stands there and laughs. She covers her face and runs into the bathroom. I follow behind her into the women's bathroom.

Hey guys, sorry if this is boring so far, I'm trying to Introduce the characters and kind of describe them. But anyway I will probably update tomorrow :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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