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You see the thing about happiness is that it barks at everyone's doors,

But like a dog when you try to catch it runs away and leave you sweating,

Sweating because the anxiety and depression has gotten so bad that you forgot what it felt like to be happy,

And then we find ourselves in relationships.

And we sink in those ships,

Because the burden of our unhappiness was too heavy for anyone to bear,

We find ourselves laughing so hard,

Trying so hard to get people to believe that we're genuinely happy.

When our smiles are more fake than what surgery will ever do to ones face,

Maybe surgery is what's needed to take the pain away,

But as Beyonce says, trying to fix something you cant see, is your soul that needs the surgery,

Hadda do some soul searching.

Searching for answers that not there,

But maybe I'll take a peep in my neighbor's paper,

But when I take a look , he have everything he need,

From big houses, fancy cars and a loving family.

Is best I did keep my eyes where it suppose to be,

Cause now I jealous but my neighbor jealous me,

Cause we all think the grass greener on the other side,

But maybe it's time to water we own lawn.

Get accustom to we lawn-mower,

And fix our own problems,

Because darling, 

no ones going to fix your brokenness.

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