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Tonight was a good night.It was me and Ryder's first real date after a week and I loved it just as much as I love him.Ryder kept holding my hand the whole time and whenever I let go he would grab it again.I couldn't believe how lucky i got to be able to be his.Ryder is just someone I could just admire.He has this some serious type of gorgeous smile that could just captivate anyone.He was just perfect.

I walked into the living room and kicked my shoes off as Ryder walked upstairs to his room.Ryder and I lied to Mel and my dad saying that we were going to a friends house so they won't think it suspicious that me and Ryder were going out to a movie just the two of us.The knock on the door took my attention off of High School Musical for a second.I walked across the living room floor to go open the door.

Holly stood in front of me with her arms crossed. 'Oh lord' I thought while she walked into the living room. "Hello Vanessa,is Ryder home?"She asked in a high pitched fake voice. "I don't know lemme check."I responded while going to walk up the stairs. 'Well i could just go up to his room to check."She tried.I looked at her like she was stupid then responded "No,stay down here."

I ran up the stairs barefooted into Ryder's room.He was asleep in his bed,which was weird cause its only 9pm. "Ryder,babe wake up."I whispered while I shook him awake. "What do you want Ness?" he asked while he turned over. "Um,Holly is downstairs and

she wants to talk to you." Ryder shot up and out of his bed so fast its a miracle he didn't get light headed.

The both of us ran downstairs to where Holly was waiting for Ryder in the sofa. "Vanessa would you please leave so I could speak to my boyfriend in private?". Holly asked. 'Oh hell no' I thought. "First of all he isn't your boyfriend.Second of all I don't care what you say I'm not leaving."I retort as I take a seat next to Holly. "Well-" Ryder starts as i cut him off with a death glare.

"Anyways Ryder,"Holly starts as she turns her attention towards Ryder. "I feel bad for breaking up with you, can we maybe start over again?" She asked.My heart fell to my stomach as I waited those long 5 seconds for Ryder to respond.

"Holly I'm not gonna get back together with you."I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as he said that. "Well why not?Don't you love me?"Holly kept asking. "Not anymore so if would please get out my house,I would appreciate it."Ryder answered as he walked to the front door and opened it. "Fine. but you're gonna wish you never left me."she confidently retorted as she walked out the door. "I won't but whatever makes you sleep at night."

Ryder argued while slamming the door behind her. He sat next to me on the couch and pulled me closer by wrapping his arm around me. "Its 9pm why did she even waste her time coming here?"I laughed.

"I don't even know. She's just crazy."He chuckled.I got up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen.

"Goodnight Ryder.See you tomorrow."I smiled at him hoping he would tell me he loves me.

"Night Vanessa."He smiles back at me.I walked upstairs and into my room disappointed that he didn't say it,But i would have been too scared to say it either so i guess I can't blame him.I change into my pajamas and throw myself on my bed.Sleep tugs my eyes down and I slowly fall asleep.


-8:00 am-

The sound of a guitar and a sweet voice wakes me up and i get up out of bed to find the source of the noise.I recognized that raspy,but sweet, voice anywhere.It was Vanessa.I walked over to her room and stood outside her door just so i could listen and not disturb her.

"Don't look around cause love is blind and darling right now i cant see you I feel your pulse slowing down and down, I can feel ya."She sung.

The song stops abruptly. "Ryder?"Vanessa questions making me jump. "How long have you been standing outside my door?" she continues.

I slowly walk into her room barefooted with blue flanneled pants and a blue t-shirt. "Only from the 'don't look around' part so not long."I answered and smiled at her. "Did I wake you up? Cause i could put my guitar away if you want to sleep more."Vanessa worried. "Yeah you woke me up, But its ok, it was a pleasant surprise."I assured her while going to sit down next to her on her bed.

"Really?"She sounded surprised. "Yeah!Do you have anymore of that song?"I asked her longing to hear her singing voice again. "Yea i'll play it for you." She says as she looks down and her fingers start strumming on the strings.

"I won't mind, I know you know you'll never be mine.We messed around until we found the one thing we said we could never ever.And if we died I'm not aloud to talk about it but i gotta tell it.And we are who we are."

"That's all i've got really."She says as her fingers stop strumming and her singing voice stops flowing threw the room. "That's amazing Vanessa.Who did you write it about?"I ask hoping she doesn't say her ex Brandon. "Funny thing is,"She chuckled "It's about you Ryder."She looked up at me and smiled.I could feel myself getting flustered.

"Really? It's a really good song Babe i didn't know you could write songs so well."I was amazed at her writing capabilities. "Well it's not finished so its not good but idk how to finish it." she says looking disappointed. "Finished or not it's an amazing song."I cheered her up. "Thanks Ryder it means a lot"she says and smiles while getting up to put her guitar back.I lay back on her bed to stare up at the ceiling.I feel Vanessa put her head on my chest and her hand on my stomach.She was warm and calming.I draped my arm around her back.She looked up at me with complete fond in her eyes.

"I think I'm falling quite hard for you Vanessa."I spoke before thinking.

"I think I'm falling for you too Ryder."She replied while she snuggled into my chest.We ending up falling asleep there.


Vanessa woke me up by climbing out of bed and shaking me awake.Her hair was messy and she was already dressed in her favorite white collared blouse,light jeans and tan heeled boots.

"Ryder get up before Mel and my dad come in!"She loudly whispered.I got up from her bed and stretched. "What time is it?"I questioned. "Like 11am, we slept for 3 hours."She answered while fixing her curly brown hair in the mirror above her dresser. "Why are you dressed at 11am on a sunday."I ask and walk over to her window seat and sit down. "I'm going out with Eleanor to get lunch today, her and her boyfriend broke up and I guess I was the first number on speed dial."She answers me while she grabs her long gray jacket from her coat hanger. "so I'll be back later babe."She announces as she walks over to me to give me a peck on the lips. "Bye Vanessa love you."I say as she walks out her bedroom door. "Love you too Ryder."She smiles then walks out the room leaving me alone in her room.

A/N: ok so this started out as a filler chapter but then i just kept writing and Ryder and Ness said 'I love you' so thats good (:

i'll update when this gets 100 reads and 10 votes :)

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