Chapter 2

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"Miss Van Lord, from the beginning, again..." John groaned as he held his bible open in one hand. Mifune and Nygus were standing side by side in front of the little table, each holing an unlit candle,a glass of wine in front of them, between them, Mifune had done this with the young girls including Marie and Azusa who are now waiting near the window for Nygus to finish her turn of the rehearsal, the problem is that some of them had mess up their lines like Marie but it took them a few minutes to get them right, but for Nygus it's been three whole hours and she still can't get them right.

 Quoting what Nygus was to say John continued, "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows, your cup shall never empty for I shall be your wine, with this candle, I will light your way in darkness and with this ring, I shall be forever be yours, Now you try." He said.

"Yes,yes sir" Nygsu said a little nervous and held up her candle. "With this candle" she said, going to light it, but it didn't light, "This candle" again it didn't light. "This candle....."

She could hear Marie talking to Azusa behind her, "Should I go up their and do it for her?"

"Don't get in such a rush sister" Azusa said, she can also hear the other girls snickering in the back.

"She'll never do it" said one of them.

"Yeah, no Mather how many times she try." Said the other.

" Ahem" John said getting Nygus's attention, allowing her to realize her candle was lit.

"Ah" she brought it back to her, "With this candle" the candle went out, groans of exasperation were heard with some laughter from the other Young ladies.

"CONTINUE!" John said loudly before Justin told him to not be so harsh when the door bell suddenly rang causing them to flinch.

 Arachne look at Mosquito "Please her the door" she said.

"Yes me lady" he said heading towards the door as John said "Let's just pick up at the candle bit"

Mosquito came back and gave a card to Arachne "Who is it?" She ask "A lady name Mary Sibley" he said, that was the same thing that the card said. He walked off as Mary walked up to Arachne.

" I haven't a head for dates, seen I'm a day early for the ceremony," she said examining her nails.

Arachne look at the card than look at Mary "Is she from my side of the family?" She thought.

"But I can't recall" she said and raised her hand snapping her fingers "Mosquito please get a seat for lady Mary"

Mary began to set down without a seat as Mosquito placed the chair under her. Nygus,Mifune and the others stared at her and she wave her hand. "Do carry on, don't let me interrupt the rehearsal" she said.

"Let's try this again, shall we Nygus Van Lord" John said, losing his patience, "Please try calm down father" said Justin.

 Mifune leaned towards Nygus, lighting her candle using using his own as Nygus spoke "Yes,yes sir" she said, raising her left hand.

"Right!" John snapped.

"Right, right, oh right!" Nygus said in realization accidentally tossing the candle in the air and quickly grasped it with her left hand as she raised right.

" With this.....this...t-this" Nygus fumbled with her words.

"HAND" John said.

"Right with this hand" she said, Mifune lend her his hand which she grasp as they walked up to the table, accidentally bumping into it almost spilling the wine.

The Corpse GroomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora