Chapter 1: Beginning Of Taylor

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"Taylor honey get up its time for school, ill have breakfast ready for you" my beautiful mothers voice spoke, I tried opening my eyes but it just wouldn't work, I really need to start going to bed early or at a normal time. All of a sudden I could smell the scent of coffee and pancakes, oh mother how you know me so well. within a second I was awake and all of a sudden I was so hungry and in need of a feeding.

After inhaling my pancakes and chugging my coffee down like it was a jelly shot, I desperately needed to pee, before my shower I used the toilet which was located in the bathroom in my bedroom, after I was finished using the toilet I took a shower which was the normal length of 15-20 minutes. After I had finished in my shower I had gotten out and wrapped a towel around my head to dry my long dark brown hair and found something to wear for school. Because I'm not anything like most girls I didn't dress up all fancy and I didn't wear a lot of makeup, just a wee bit of mascara and a bit of lipgloss was enough for me. I feel more comfortable in jeans and my school tshirt more than a skirt that shows off my ass cheeks, and a pair of converse sneakers and I'm done, ready for school.

My school was a twenty minute walk from my house but because I have a car and my license I can drive which is awesome. My mother is a doctor so that makes us somewhat rich, mum brought me the car when I turned 16, my brother Scott got one when he turned 18, so he is hardly ever home because he is always out driving somewhere well that and he works part time with my stepfather Stan, so they all earn pretty good money.

I decided that I would be nice today (not that I'm not every other day) and I would go and pick up my best friend Tamara and my amazing boyfriend Tony. Tony and I have been together for two years in fact today was our anniversary and I have finally decided to do something that I could possible regret for the rest of my life, I'm finally going to give him my viginity. I've talked to my mum about it, she thinks I'm crazy but she also thinks that it should be up to me as long as we are safe she doesn't care.

I arrived at Tamara's house first, she came running out with her little sister Sarah, I loved her as if she was my own little sister. We all go to the same school so I had no problem at all dropping them off, I love doing things for them because they are like my family. They aren't rich but they aren't poor, some would say they're middle class but I don't care because spoiling these two girls are the things I live for.

Next we went to pick up my boyfriend from his house. Tony and Tamara have been best friends since primary school, actually if it wasn't for her then I wouldn't have even met Tony, I love him so much.

"Oii bitch get out of the front seat, it's my girlfriends car" Tony said to Tamara as a joke, we all laughed.
"Piss off, sit in the back with Sarah, I was here first" Tamar said back to Tony, all we could do is keep laughing our heads off, I decided to do a whole mum thing just to make this whole bit funnier
"shut up the both of you or you can all sit in the back seat" they both shut up killing the laughter, Tony walked around the car, I opened my window and he gave me a big, sloppy kiss as his hello, how much I love him I don't even think it's healthy, Tamara pretends to vomit killing our little lovey dovey mood. Tony opened the door behind me to sit in the back seat with Sarah, I pulled out of Tonys drive way and we made our way to school. I pulled into the school parking lot and we made our way to school grounds when I saw my other two closets friends Belle and Jazmine. Jazzie is like my twin because of how much we are alike, we sort of have the same features and we have the same personality, not to mention the same mind if you know what I mean.

We said our hellos and talked about what we did on the weekend, Tony wanted to talk to me in private, I hope it was about our little date tonight. I said goodbye to my friends and told them that I would see them at lunch time, gave them all a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek than walked hand in hand with Tony.

I was starting to get nervous about how secretive Tony was being, he finally spoke
"Baby, you know how much I love you and how much I've waited for this day with you and it is our two year anniversary but honestly I just don't think it's going to work between us anymore and honestly I think I've found someone else, she's amazing and gorgeous. I'm sorry babe, but you don't think we can still be friends right?"
I wanted to do nothing but cry and breakdown, the only one I've ever had major feelings for is now breaking my heart in the hall way of our school
"who is she? Why are you doing this to me? And on our two year anniversary too?? Are you fucking kidding me??? Get away from me Tony I don't want to see you ever again, I can't believe you, get out of my face right now Tony!!"

I'm heart broken, I found my friends again and they saw how sad and broken I am, I felt Belles little arms around me wrapping me into the tightest hug that her arms can bear, I just broke down more and more, Tamara kept on saying how sorry she was even though I don't know why she would be sorry, just because she was the reason why we started dating in the first place. Jazzie kept rubbing soothing circles on my back then suddenly the bell went signaling people to get to class, great first period was English and Tony was in my class, hoping that he wouldn't be there but I was wrong and there he was, just acting like he didn't just break my heart or anything, just sitting there looking smug and happy, probably got his next whore lined up already.

Besides this morning, the day went pretty quick which made me super happy because then I could just go home and eat and get fat and just bawl my eyes out over my broken heart, I'll probably be watching the note book over and over again because of how depressed ill be feeling.

I could feel my mum waking me up again, really women?!? I love you and all but seriously!!
"Hey my Gracie girl (middle name is Grace) wake up, you've got to get ready for your date with Tony soon"
I forgot that when I came home my mother was at work which means its about 4 in the afternoon. All of a sudden I just started crying again
"Oh baby girl, what's wrong? are you okay? talk to me" her soothing angel like voice spoke to me, she's not only my mother but my best friend, we have the whole Gilmore Girls thing going on that ill be forever thankful for
"Oh mummy, it's over, he broke my heart and on our two year anniversary, what am I going to do? We had such a great two years and we where meant to have a great night planned, why did he do this to me mummy? He just doesn't even feel like he's done anything wrong, is it me?" I managed to choke out
"Oh my beautiful baby girl, it isn't you he's just thinking with his penis, he'll realize when he sees you with someone else then he'll regret it just trust me on this Taylor"
"You're meant to say that, you're my mother it's in your nature" I cried to my mother, which then made he giggle how she can laugh at a time like this is beyond me.
"Do you want some pizza baby girl? ill order you some, your stepdad will be working late with your brother and they'll most likely be going to the pub after work so it will be just us two, sound good?"
"Oh mother dearest, you're the women after my own heart" I joked with my mum, that lightened up my mood, she knows how pizza will always make me happy and better because its like my favorite food and the only thing that makes me feel better after a crappy day like today

My phone was on charge on my bedside table when it started to buzz, it was Tony. He was the last person on earth I wanted to talk to but I still love him so of corse ill answer it
"What can I help you with asshole?" I said in a rude tone but right now I just couldn't care less right now or at all to he honest
"Well aren't you a lively little soul today, are you okay? I'm sorry for today" he said apologetically but right now I just couldn't care
"You want to know how I feel?? my heart is broken, mum is ordering pizza because I feel like shit and unlike you she takes care of me, I've been sitting in my bed all day crying because how broken and empty I feel and you want to know if I'm okay??" I was almost in tears again because of how stupid he is being right now, my mum is right, he is thinking with his penis
"I'm sorry how it happened but honestly, you can't say that you don't feel the same you do when we first me"
"You know what Tony I don't okay I felt better and I thought more and more everyday that I was falling in love with you, don't worry about me because I'll be fine, I've got the best of friends in this universe that will give me the best support, I know for a FACT that I will find someone so much better than you, I hate you for this Tony and I don't want you to speak to me ever again. Best of luck to you and your knew whore, just know she will be NOTHING like me, goodbye Tony" with that I hung up the phone and felt proud of myself, only if I said that to his face to see his reaction
"Taylor I just heard, I'm so proud of you my honey" my mother said coming into my room, clearly she was over hearing my phone call with my now ex boyfriend
"Thanks mumma, I learned from the best you know" I said playfully hitting her arm
"Come on you we have dinner arriving soon and I can tell you're hungry and you need to eat"
"Do you know me at all mother? I'm always hungry and even more if pizza is involved so let's go before I get cranky because I'm getting kept from my beautiful food."

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