When you don't know where to go...

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The weather forecast for today was pretty accurate, it rained all day. The final bell had just rung and I stood in the hall motionless while everyone moved around me trying to get out of school. No one acknowledge me while I stood. I was just standing in the middle of the hall debating which bus I should take, since I didn't want to go home. I would just stay locked in my room as usual while Aaron and Sam hung out in the living room.

   Once the hall was mostly empty I decided to stop by and see Jen's house. After she died her parents decided to get a divorce. I knew it was what her dad had wanted since he met some blonde lady in the bank one time.

    It was about two months before the accident that took Jen's life when we found her dad in a heated position with the blonde lady who we later learned her name which is I think Kayla. She had blonde hair with navy blue highlights, her eyes were huge and green, and she was pretty tall with fair skin. However, the right side of her face had a huge burn mark. Anyways we were passing by this diner across the street from the bank and her father was sitting by the window table kissing her. Once he got home that nigh she confronted him and he told us how they met. Out of all places the bank.

    Anyways Jen's mom still lived in the house. Last time I talked to her she was going to move in about a year to live with her older brother in California.Her house was ten minutes away from the school while riding the bus. When I got to her house I saw Ms.James sitting on her porch. She smiled brightly when she saw me.

"Dear it's been so long since you've visited me." Jen's mom was right I haven't visited in a while.

"I'm sorry, it just hurts coming her sometimes. This was like my second home well I call this home where I live is just a house." I saw her eyes water.

" leaving is going to be hard, but I need to leave ." She said as I sat next to her on the porch. " So what brings you by."

"I had no where else to go. I didn't feel like going home and sit locked in the room. I didn't know where to go so I came here. " I said watching the rain fall freely.

" you must be so cold. Come on let's go in and dry you up." With that we walked into the house and to the living room. "Why don't you go wait in the bathroom, I'll get you a change of clothes and maybe you can stay the night if you want." She smiled warmly at me. I knew she probably felt lonely and no one would notice that I was gone.

I walked to the bathroom and waited a few minutes before I saw her appear in the doorway with some clothes in her hands. She handed them over to me and walked away. I changed slowly and thought some more about Jen her accident always haunts me. Once I was done changing I bought my clothes down and put them in the dryer. I heard noise in the kitchen and went to see what she was up to.

"I'm making us some popcorn and hot chocolate so we can watch a movie." She smiled before finishing up the hot chocolate and putting it on a tray . The microwave beeped and she made her way towards it. Once the popcorn was in the bowl we went to the living room.

"Do you want to watch The Breakfast Club or 16 Candles." Those were Jen's favorite movies, I smiled at that thought we would watch it all the time and never get bored.

"Let's watch The Breakfast Club first then we can watch 16 Candles." We watched the movies together in Silence both lost into the movies and I enjoyed my time with her. Maybe I did have another person in this world.

Later that night in the guest room after I finished my homework I took out my journal, and started writing before I went to sleep.

Dear whoever is reading this if I'm ever gone today I spent the rest of the afternoon with Jen's mom. It bought back old memories of Friday night sleepovers with Jen when the three of us would watch movies and dance to random music before rating our celeb crushed. Even her mom would put in her 2 cents. Why did she have to go and why do I have to be so alone. Sure I have Jen's mom but she's leaving to Cali in a year. I wish I was gone maybe soon I will be .
                                 Do you see me now????

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