Patch, Tom, and Jerry stumbled into the carnival.

Patch looked up. "Look guys, it's them!"

The animals tried to call for the humans, but they couldn't hear them.

"Aw, they can't hear us," Patch frowned. "How else do we get their attention?"

"Wait, the locket," Patch said before looking at Robyn's locket and then at the balloons. "I've got an idea."

"Here,... Let me get that..." Jerry put it together for him. "There."

"Send it up!" Tom called.

Patch did that, making the red balloon fly up past the Ferris wheel.

"Hope that this works." Patch said.

Robyn was a little miserable, but she saw the balloon go up with something of hers ."My locket!" she grabbed it without falling this time and looked down. "TOM! JERRY! PATCH!"

The animals waved to her, but warned her to keep quiet since Captain Kiddie was right there, but fast asleep.

"Okay guys, let's get to work." Tom whispered as they dashed off.

"Yeah, Jerry, do your thing." Patch whispered, gesturing to the captain.

Tom had a fishing line and lowered the mouse. Jerry hopped down and hooked the hook onto the captain's boots. Tom took note of that and started to reel in the captain, but it wasn't easy due to how fat he was.

"Allow me." Patch said, grabbing the fishing pole and started to reel and where it seemed to go faster, but not too fast.

However, the hook fell off and Captain Kiddie fell with Patch and Jerry, flat on the ground.

"Mouse and dog on the port vale!" Captain Kiddie called, seeing the two animals.

Squawk squawked as they ran away.

"Get those varmints!" Captain Kiddie growled. "Don't let 'em get away!"

"Get us if you can!" Patch teased.

Captain Kiddie chased them, eventually tripping, but he had grabbed them both in his hands. Before Patch could shock him with his strength, a sports car with Aunt Figg and Lickboot had just arrived. Captain Kiddie stood up, grinning to her and dropped the mouse and the puppy right back on the ground.

"Oh great, that evil woman is here." Patch said.

"Never mind her, we gotta save Robyn!" Jerry said, running off.

Patch then followed him. Tom was trying to pull the lever to lower Robyn, Cherry, and Atticus.

"Let me try." Patch said.

Tom and Jerry stood out of the way.

Patch pulled it, but luckily, he didn't break it.

"It's moving!" Robyn gasped.

"Congratulations, you have eyes." Cherry deadpanned.

"Can you at least be happy that we're not going back with that evil woman?" Atticus asked Cherry.

"Hang on." Cherry said as they got out o the car.

The masked dogcatchers ran over to grab the kids, mostly Robyn, but once the kids got out, they locked the dogcatchers in the car and the lever was pulled again to make them now be stuck at the top.

"That'll do." Cherry had a small smirk.

"Uh-oh!" Jerry called, pulling on Tom's ear. "Don't look now, but here comes the dragon lady!"

"Oh, come on!" Atticus called out. "Quick, onto the boat!"

"I know where one is!" Tom told them as they ran off with nothing else to do.

"They're getting away!" Figg called.

They all climbed aboard and Tom hit all sorts of buttons to make the boat go, but none of them worked.

"None of these buttons are doing anything!" Patch exclaimed.

"Push the red button!" Jerry told them. "It's always the red one!"

"I know it!" Tom snapped at him. "I was just gonna push it!"

"Guys, hurry!" Robyn called as she let the rope loose just as the bad guys were coming to the pier.

Patch then pressed the red button to start the boats engine to get them away from the bad guys. They were able to get away. Robyn decided to take control, she knew a place where they should go to hide.

"Yes, we're getting away!" Patch cheered. "There's no way they can catch up to us now!"

Lickboot's car was speeding down the road next to the water, Captain Kiddie was coming by his boat, and Dr. Applecheek was even back, now on an ice cream cart.

"Speed it up!" Cherry called.

"We're going as fast as we can!" Tom cried.

Robyn tried harder at the helm.

"What about steam, is it almost out of steam?" Atticus asked.

Robyn looked and noticed. "We need more steam!"

Tom opened the burner with a fire pik and started to shove logs in it with Patch and Jerry. However, he went too fast and accidentally put them both inside the burner, but took them both out quickly and blew on them until the fire was out.

Patch shook himself from the soot. "That seemed weirdly familiar..." he muttered to himself. "I was a Labrador again..."

"Huh?" Atticus looked towards Patch and giggled. "Wow, Patch, you look just like a black Lab."

Patch shook himslef clean. "I'm being reminded of family's past again." he chuckled himself.

Jerry glared at Tom for doing that to them, but it was an accident. Robyn smiled as the steam went up and she pulled on the whistle as they were going faster now.

"Wahoo, we are out of here!" Atticus and Patch cheered in unison.

"So, where are we going?" Cherry asked the driver.

"The only place where I can go without having any worries," Robyn said with a smile. "You'll see once we get there."

"Would it be a boat house?" Atticus asked.

Robyn wasn't sure what that was, but she shrugged. "Daddy calls it a summer home."

Figg and Lickboot grinned darkly as they were very close to Robyn, but they ended up on a farm by accident against mud, pigs, and dirty laundry.

"A summer home? Nice." Patch said while thinking that a summer home sounded nice.

"Yeah, we always would go every summer... He didn't have to work and I would be out of school..." Robyn smiled at her sweet memories with her father. "I miss him so much..."

"Don't worry, Robyn, I'm sure that your father will be at the summer house waiting for you." Atticus assured her.

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