The parrot puppet did a bow.

Robyn giggled. "He's funny."

"And loud..." Cherry didn't like the squawks.

"He's a parrot, what do you expect?" Atticus asked Cherry.

"You two hungry by any chance?" Captain Kiddie asked.

Cherry shrugged. "I could eat."

"Yeah, me too..." Robyn agreed as she felt her stomach.

"Well, I got some milk and cookies," Captain Kiddie smiled, going to a fridge. "All little girls like milk and cookies! And milk and cookies is just what we got!"

"It's all we got!" Squawk repeated.

"Literally." Atticus said.


Tom was taking a nap while Jerry saw some fish flopping in the water. Jerry grabbed Tom's tail and smoothed it out to be like a fishing hook and he gently placed it into the water. Tom didn't notice until he felt a chomp on his tail and it made him fly up in the air in pain.

"Huh, huh? What happened?" Patch asked, waking up from a nap.

"I found a fish for Tom." Jerry smirked playfully.

Tom landed back and glared at the mouse. "What're you doin'!?"

"Helping you catch somethin'."

"Oh, you wanna catch something!?"

Before Tom could say or do anything, they ended up on a sandy shore.

"Whoa!" Patch said.

"Now where are we?" Jerry asked.

Tom and Jerry looked around.

Patch looked over and saw something shining in the grass. "Hey! I see something!"

Jerry ran over and picked up an awfully familiar locket. "Guys, look!"

Tom took it to look at it. "What's that?"

"It's Robyn's locket." Patch said, recognizing it.

Tom gasped. "She must be around here somewhere!"

Jerry looked around with him. Patch sniffed the locket, then sniffed the ground as he tried to get Robyn's scent.

"So, where'd you say you were headed, little lady?" Captain Kiddie asked as he gave the girl a new glass of milk.

"Tibet with my new friends!" Robyn piped up after Squawk was somehow able to eat his cookie.

"Tibet," Captain Kiddie smiled. "I know it well. It's just outside the Great Lakes!"

"You've been there?" Atticus asked, amazed.

"Oh, yessirree," Captain Kiddie smiled. "I've played all the way from Broadway to Timbuktu! Why, I was a big star in my day!"

"Oh boy, here we go..." Squawk whined.

Captain Kiddie began to sing to them about his career as an entertainer for millions, showing he was very successful, even today. The kids were amazed with how famous he was, even Cherry was amazed. Captain Kiddie even mentioned how famous he ws and how even royalty was blessed to know him and have him preform for them, even in Rome.

"Cool." Atticus said.

"AM I A HAM OR NOT!?" Captain Kiddie glanced at his parrot friend.

"I guess the answer is yes!" Squawk laughed.

"Oh, I've done it all~" Captain Kiddie sang as he danced on stage with his puppet.

Robyn smiled, after she got enough milk and cookies, she decided to join them. Atticus and Cherry decided to join in, seeming as though it looked like a lot of fun. Captain Kiddie ended the song with an explosion of confetti and accidentally pulled the curtain down with him, making his parrot puppet squawk even louder than normal.

"Well, my dears," Captain Kiddie chuckled as he poured more milk. "Should we take our show on the road?"

His parrot puppet saw something on the milk carton that seemed to catch his attention and needed to tell his puppeteer.

"A toast to our new stars!" Captain Kiddie cheered.

Squawk seemed to come alive on his own and tried to get Kiddie's attention.

"What is it?" Captain Kiddie glanced at him. "Can't you see I'm comforting our guests?"

"Captain, I gotta talk to ya!" Squawk made him go out of his chair.

"Alright already!"

"Can we step outside?"

Captain Kiddie looked to them. "If you excuse us for a moment, kids..." he said before leaving with his puppet.

"Of course, sir." Atticus said.

The two then left outside the area together.

"That puppet bugs me for some reason..." Cherry said as she took another cookie due to having a strong aversion towards milk.

"I think he's kind of cute." Robyn said.

"Cherry, calm down, Squawk is a puppet, he's not going to hurt any of us." Atticus said.

"I never liked puppets that much..." Cherry folded her arms.

As Patch kept trying to sniff for Robyn, a random carton of milk was thrown from behind the grass and hit him on the head, but didn't knock him out like the jar from Ferdinand earlier.

"Oh boy!" Tom was eager as he started to drink from it. "Food!"

"Gee, I'm so glad that milk carton fell on my head out of nowhere." Patch said out of sarcasm.

Jerry saw something that made him yell. "HEY!"

"Oh, sorry..." Tom handed the milk over to share with him.

"No, look, it's Robyn!" Jerry pointed.

"She must be here somewhere and if she's around here, then Atticus and Cherry must be with her." Patch said.

Tom noticed Robyn's picture on the milk carton. "Wow, a million dollar reward."

Jerry accidentally fell right into the milk.

Tom poured out the milk until Jerry came out in his paw. "Let's take a look around."

"Yeah." Patch said.

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