Chapter 41 - Avec Moi

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"What should we watch," I pondered to myself.

"What mood are you feeling?" He asks.

"Well it's like 8:30 or something so horror is off the list, I probably wouldn't have picked it anyways," I ramble quietly to myself.

"So close," Matt pouts sarcastically. I purse my lips at him. He chuckles then he playfully pecks my pursed lips. I didn't expect him to do that so my mouth opened but quickly closed. Matt just chuckled at my weird reaction and put his attention back to the screen. I did too.

"Can we watch 27 dresses?" I ask him. I wasn't usually the type to force a guy or anybody to watch a chick flick with me but I was just really in the mood to watch it. It was one of my favorite movies.

"It sounds like a chick flick," He says skeptically with eyebrows raised.

"It is," I reply timidly hoping he wouldn't mind.

"Alright, whatever you want. It better be a good one," He says with a smirk. I smiled. It made me happy that Matt was willing to watch chick flicks with me. I wasn't the stereotypical girl to always want to watch the notebook. I mean yeah I have seen it and yeah I think it is pretty good but I don't know if it is one of those movies where I could watch it twice. I feel like it is just full of so much cliché lovey stuff. I will admit some of it is cute but something about it irks me. It's not bad though, there are far worse movies.

Matt found 27 dresses and started the movie. I snuggled even closer to Matt and his arm tightened around me as I did. I watched the screen intently as the movie began while slowly eating my pizza. For my most people they can eat two pieces of pizza over the span of an entire movie but for me I am finished before the credits have finished. I could feel Matt's eyes on me as I ate and I it only made me more self-conscious. I always knew that I was not the neatest eater but I never really cared all that much because I never had a reason to. Then I met the guys. It wasn't that I felt the need to be prim and proper, but I didn't want to be seen as a slob.

"Your gaze is distracting me," I mutter to him without removing my eyes from the screen of his laptop. I heard Matt chuckle and turn his head back to the screen.

"I can't help but stare at my beautiful girlfriend as she eats a beautiful food," He claims. I laugh.

"Pizza is a beautiful food," I agree with him on that but then return my attention to the movie. As predicted I had finished my pizza as the credits ended. I then grabbed my ice cream and opened it up. Matt opened his up with me. "You could have started eating your ice cream," I tell him.

"I know but I wanted to wait for you," He says. That's sweet. I smile at his comment and we both take a spoonful of our ice cream. I had mint, just mint. I didn't want the chocolate chips in it. I do like mint chocolate chip ice cream but sometimes I didn't want the chocolate flavor. Matt had gotten vanilla ice cream with caramel in it. I liked caramel. The movie was playing and she was currently running back and forth switching weddings. I always found this part amusing yet I admired her for how dedicated she was to her friends.

Every so often I would look to Matt to see how he was enjoying the movie. Every time I looked at him he would be watching the movie but would feel my gaze and turn his head to smile at me. Eventually I engrossed myself completely in the movie. I watched the screen intently as the pixels moved with the human figure and ate my ice cream. This was the life. I loved this. I loved Matt. Eating ice cream with my boyfriend. I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to my brilliant boyfriend.

Matt was amazing. His features were so precise and his jawline, oh let's not forget his jawline. His eyes would be the death of me I could look at them all day. I loved how he was taller than me. I loved how his hands covered mine making me feel safe. I loved how our bodies felt together when we were snuggled up to each other. I loved that he wanted to do this with me. He knew when to give me space.

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