Part 6

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**Just a reminder. Disclaimer: The following is fiction. I don't own any rights, and it is not actually based on any person(s) actual life and is intended to be merely fictitious. No offence is intended by the use of names, and any resemblance is purely accidental.**

***This is the second of two chapter updates today (chapters 5 & 6). See the end of the chapter for more notes.***


Robbie blissfully awoke the next morning to find the sleeping form of Gary Barlow, still beside him on his bed. He wanted to wrap his arms around Gary and cuddle the hell out of him but he knew that would wake him, and an 'awoken Gary' would be a soon 'making-excuses-to-avoid-further-awkward-conversation Gary', Robbie smiled to himself. He kept as still as he could, lying there soundly, listening to the small soft regular snores of his bed companion. He watched the soft motions of his chest, moving up and down slowly pulling the air in and pushing it out, he looked so peaceful there, and the scene was causing Robbie's imagination to wonder.

Not long after Gary eventually stirred awake, he made his excuses to go before Security spotted him, he additionally didn't return to see Robbie that evening; Robbie expected that but still, he was disappointed; he'd began to depend on Gary's visits to break up the monotony of the evenings spent in rehab.

It was still four days before the other Take That lads were due to join Robbie and Gary in LA, and this brought excitement for Robbie, but also trepidation; after all he hadn't seen any of them since before he started up his drinking again, let alone since he'd accidently shot Gary. But more than that he was becoming very aware of how little time he had left of having Gary to himself. He knew as soon as the other lads were here they'd be no chance of getting Gary alone again, and even less chance of having a decent conversation about them. Robbie was tired of skirting about the issue; not that he hadn't loved the time they had spent together but he needed more from Gary, for once, he needed honesty.

When Gary arrived the next day, Robbie knew it was make or break time, and so as soon as Gary was comfortable, he brought it up once again, "Gaz, I need to talk to you" he started, trying to keep the tone calm and light, "I think you know what I'm gonna ask you – I know we've been putting it off because deep down we're both scared but we can't keep doing that" Robbie spoke levelled and controlled.

Gary looked at him more than slightly confused, "I do?" He asked with a quizzical brow.

Robbie furrowed his own eyebrows at that almost absurdly uninterested response, it was not what he'd expected but then maybe it was just another of Gary Barlow's great deflecting strategies. He sighed, knowing he'd have to bait Gary into talking, "Gaz, I'm in rehab, I'm working my butt off, I'm really trying here but there's no point me going any further unless I face ALL my issues!" he finished exasperatedly.

Gary surveyed him, with obvious confusion, "But you are facing your problems Bob, and I'm so happy and proud of you for doing so well, you've come so far already, and I'll always be here to help, you know I will but I don't get what you're going on about, mate. Sorry." Gary said casually, yet as Robbie looked at him (already feeling his own frustration building to unmanageable proportions), Robbie could swear he saw a glint of something pass Gary's eyes, 'was it panic?!' he thought to himself.

Maybe sensing Robbie's penetrative stare into his soul, Gary changed tactic.

"Look Rob, it's best to just concentrate on your actual problems right now – the drink, the drugs, that's enough to be getting on with right now." he reasoned. That was the last straw for the younger male, it was obvious to him that Gary blatantly knew exactly what he was asking but was choosing to avoid it as usual. 'Well, no more', Robbie resolved with himself.

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