Robbie for his part also somewhat enjoyed uncomfortable silences though, especially when they involved Gary Barlow. Robbie loved to just sit and watch him inwardly squirm as the air became thick with the obvious sexual tension pulling between them. He'd exacerbate it further (for his own enjoyment) by staring at Gary in silence, and watch what his companion would do. He could almost see Gary's mind go from confusion to panic, before it switched to its automatic default of distractively talking about something equally mundanely nerdish and completely cute, like Star Wars memorabilia, or god forbid, Pedals. But even though it amused him for a while, Robbie was growing restless, he loved having Gary there but after spending the whole day waiting for him to arrive, he needed more satisfaction from the shortness of Gary's allotted visits; his thoughts always returned to that night alone with Gary in his basement studio, both to the way he stupidly acted and endangered himself, his wife, and of course Gary, but also to THAT kiss. He craved it, he craved any contact. He wanted so much from him but he didn't want to scare Gary off, and he knew if he pushed too hard he could do that, maybe forever.

"Gaz, you wanna stay and watch something on the telly?" Robbie casually asked.

"Sounds good mate, owt on?

Robbie smiled and gently patted the space the bed beside him, "there's a reality show I really want you to watch", he sweetly offered. There was a distinct twinkle in his eye sparkling with (unless Gary was very much mistaken) mischief.

Gary surveyed the space on the bed beside his friend. He couldn't shake off the idea that Robbie had an agenda but maybe he was over thinking it, and what was the harm. "It better not one of those bleedin' Housewives of some god-forsaken place, shows! I'll never understand how you can watch those all the time!" he jokingly rebuked. Rob smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe it is, but you know you love them!" he winked.

Gary shook his head and barked a sarcastic laugh but smiled and took up the space beside Rob anyway. Rob slouched down against the pillows, flicking the channels on the remote; Gary sat up rigid with his back straight up against the board, and his arms folded. Robbie could've made fun of Gary for being so obviously uncomfortable sharing Rob's bed but he didn't want to spoil it and cause the blond any reason to get up, so instead he stayed there and enjoyed the closeness (and especially the rare collisions that caused their warm bodies to lightly touch for mere seconds). Every 'accidental' touch, every time their bodies skimmed against the other, made every single one of Robbie's nerves tingle. Gary's uncomfortable body language remained the entire evening, he didn't move an inch, just sat with his arms folded. Yet his body still radiated a deep welcoming warmth that drew Robbie like a moth to a flame, he wanted to touch him more, to snuggle right into Gary but he didn't, and so instead compensated himself by snuggling into the warm patch Gary simply left on the bed behind him, after he had left for the night.

The next day, Robbie waited for Gary's familiar arrival, trying with difficulty to keep the questionable meatloaf dinner warm. Gary was late. Robbie was feeling a mix of emotions including hurt and disappointment but mostly confusion, Gary was never late; his mind turned to worry, his tried Gary's phone but it went straight to voicemail.

He was now 40 minutes late, the dinner was left cold and uneaten, Robbie was just angry now. Gary must know he'd worry, Robbie thought to himself, it was just selfish to not contact him and explain why he wasn't coming, since, Robbie decided, it was obvious he wasn't. Then suddenly there was a quiet knock on his door, Robbie may've even missed if he hadn't been sat, scrunched up against the bottom of the door. He stood up and opened it a little and through the open slit he found a frantic and flustered Gary Barlow. Robbie was getting ready to spew his anger at the older man right there and then but Gary suddenly pushed his way through the door into the room, knocking a surprised Robbie out of the way, before closing the door quietly behind him.

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