Chapter 16: Trigger

Start from the beginning

~~Harry's POV~~

This weekend was so much fun! We went out to eat on Saturday and saw a movie today! The movie was about this family back in caveman days that got on each other's nerves. It was hilarious. But the ending was so sad. Zayn and I were balling our eyes out holding each other. Except that Liam was in between us so we were holding each other and Liam. Liam just sat there staring at us both. Niall and Eleanor just sat there looking at us and laughing their heads off.

I didn't really think of Louis at all. Except for the fact that I thought he would've loved the movie. I bet if we saw it together we would've been the ones crying and holding each other. But other than that I haven't been thinking of him. I haven't had time. The others have been keeping me too busy to really think about anything else. I think it might be part of their plan.

To make everything better, I haven't cut in over a week. I'm so proud of myself! Hopefully I won't ever cut again. I don't think I will. If I could stop after all of this, I could stop after anything else. I mean what could possibly be worse than what has happened?

~~~Wednesday, August 22nd~~~

~~Louis's POV~~

Tomorrow is the appointment and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Luckily the girls went off to their camps so I haven't had to hang out with them. I've been in my room the whole time.

I found this old box of mixtapes from freshman year and they are great. Most of them Eleanor made for me. We did this thing where we'd make each other one every week and trade. All of these make me miss her so much. High school was such a part of my life, even with the Harry thing accounted for.

But anyway, therapy. I'm trying to find an upside to it. I've been thinking about that analogy metaphor thing she told me about: chance is like lightning and love is like thunder. I mean yeah it makes sense. But it doesn't apply to my situation. We already had the thunderstorm. We are dealing with the aftermath of that storm. The storm completely destroyed our house; flooded our field; burnt down the bridge; whatever metaphor you want to make about it.

Harry left me. He moved on. There's nothing I can do about it. I just need to get across this burning bridge before it completely collapses.

~~Harry's POV~~

Tomorrow is the day! I have been waiting all week for this appointment. Thank god it's here! I just can't wait to talk to her. She makes me feel so much better. And she doesn't judge me or saying anything negative. She makes me think so much that sometimes I believe her when she says that Louis might still love me. The feeling doesn't last long but it's there sometimes.

Could you imagine if he did? He could come back and we could start our life together the way we should've. We'll love each other forever and we could get marry and adopt a little girl. Oh my gosh he would be the best dad ever! And we could eventually move to a little cottage and just have a perfect life.

Oh gosh I have to go. I'm gonna start crying. Goodnight.

~~~Thursday, August 23rd~~~

~~Louis's POV~~

"BooBear? Honey? Wake up! Your appointment is in an hour," mum shouts from the other side of the door. I reluctantly sit up and look around. Groaning, I hop out of my bed and head to the bathroom. While in there I take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs.

What Does Forever Mean to You? (Sequel to "When I Said Forever, I Meant It")Where stories live. Discover now