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Lauren's POV

Well that went better than I expected.  I guess I didn't really have anything to be worried about. We went back upstairs and I changed in the bathroom of the hallway while Camila got ready in her room bathroom. I finished getting ready and went back downstairs to wait for Camila. So far so good.

Camila's POV

I finished getting ready and I left my room. I went to the stairs. From the top I could hear the sound of laughter. I went downstairs and saw my parents and Lauren sitting on the couch laughing. Lauren turned and saw me.

"Hey Camila. You ready?" She stood up.

"Yeah. What were you guys doing?" I asked. Don't get me wrong it's good that they are getting along but it was kinda awkward seeing them talking to a friend of mine.  

"Oh your parents were just showing me an old album of your baby pictures and telling me stories. You were so cute Camz." My mouth dropped. I felt embarrassed. What happened to my overprotective parents?

"First of all were? Secondly what did you guys tell her?" I asked my parents and since when are they so opened to people that fast. They laughed.

"Oh. Just some things." They replied. Little my butt. Lauren smiled. She came closer and grabbed my hand. She started to pull me to the doorway.

"Yeah. Now lets go. Bye Sinuh and Alejandro. It was a pleasure meeting you."

"You too Lauren. Hope to see you soon and take care of my daughter will you?"

"Of course."

“Oh and I said were because you’re not cute, you’re hot.” Lauren said with a wink as we exited my house. I laughed and her comment. We then got into Lauren's car and began the drive to the party. It wasn't a long drive but the butterflies filled my stomach. I could feel that I was beginning to sweat as soon as we arrived in front of the house. Lauren got out of the car and went around and opened my door. I guess I took too long.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry." She grabbed my hand and I felt the nerves go away. I felt safe with Lauren.  Everything was going to be fine.

Lauren's POV

We arrived at the party and I could sense the nervousness from Camila. Maybe I shouldn't have brought her. Well I guess it might be too late to turn back now. We went inside the house and I saw Camila's face drop.

"I thought it was only like this in the movies." She said looking around at all the chaos that was happening. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was opened. People were drinking and dancing to the loud music around the house, it was all pretty normal to me but she wasn’t used to it. I soon spotted Lucy and Vero on the couch and we made our way up to them.

"Hey." I yelled over the music.

"Hey. Camila what you think of the party." Vero yelled.

"Well I'm not sure yet. We just got here but its pretty loud." Camila explained. Vero nodded.

"Come dance with me Camila." I said grabbing her hand and pulling her to where the others were dancing. I felt myself jerk back when Camila didn't move. She was looking at the ground seeming kind of upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Well, um, I really don't know how to dance." She said nervously. I smiled at her.

"Don't worry. I'll show you." I led her to the dance floor. She stood there awkwardly and tried to dance. She really couldn't dance and I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she was. She stood still and just looked at the people dancing around her. She frowned and started making her way back. I grabbed her by the waist and started to sway it with the beat of the music. She soon got the hang of it but I didn't want to move away from her. I could see a guy that came forth wanting to dance with her but I glared at him and he quickly move away. To say I was the jealous type was an understatement. I wanted to dance with and only her. She was mine for the night. We continued to dance till I saw that Camila was getting really tired.  

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"Just no alcohol." She said. I nodded and made my way to the kitchen. I found a couple of water bottles that were still closed. I returned to the dance floor. I couldn't find Camila and then I saw her sitting on the couch trying to comfort a crying Lucy.

"What happened?" Camila shrugged. Lucy tried to speak but I couldn't make anything out because of all the crying and the loud music.

"Where's Vero?" I asked and it made Lucy begin to cry harder. I haven’t seen Lucy this upset since her dog died. Why wasn't Vero with her? I looked at Camila who was there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Find Vero." I mouthed. She nodded and was on her way. I sat down taking Camila's spot on the couch and put my arms around her.

"Lucy can you tell me what happened?" I told her. She nodded and began to talk but again she wasn't understandable. I looked at her confused while she cried on my shoulder.

"Lucy. I need you to calm down and explain what happen so I can help you." I said again.

"Well Vero and I were sitting here on the couch when some kid from camp came up to me. He was clearly drunk and started talking about camp and he tried to kiss me. I'm still not sure what he was talking about but Vero got upset and said she knew it and said we were over." I remembered what had happened Monday and Vero hearing that guy. Could it have been the same guy?

"Lucy answer me this. Did you cheat?" I asked her. She stared at me like I was crazy.

"Of course not I would never do that to Vero." Then she made a look as if she has suddenly gotten a realization.

"Well there was this time, during camp where I got really drunk and I can't really remember what happened." She slapped herself in the forehead. "I'm an idiot." She said beginning to sob again into her hands.

"It's ok Lucy, I'm sure Vero will forgive you." She looked up and glared at me.

"Why would she, I don't deserve for forgiveness. I cheated on her and I broke her heart." She said sobbing.

"I'll go find her and we'll straighten this all out." She nodded. I stood up and began to look around for any sign of Camila or Vero. I looked all downstairs and then headed up to the second floor. I bet they were in one of the rooms since Vero hates when people see her cry. I really hated looking through the rooms. I usually stayed away from upstairs just in case there were some people up to funny business in the rooms. I went up to the first room, heard nothing and opened the door. It was empty. I went to the second room but there were sounds coming in from there and they weren't the sounds of a person crying, if you know what I mean. The third room was quiet too. I opened the door and stood there shocked. Camila and Vero were sitting on the bed kissing.

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