Chapter 3

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Evie's POV
I watched as Carlos left Me and Mal's room.Only because he has to study for this test.I don't know what test but fine with me.I looked out the window.If my mom wants me to fight with me I'm going to talk to her face to face!She can't tell me who to date!Cause I love Carlos and there's nothing stronger then true love.I called the Limo Driver to come pick me up and take me back to The Isle of the Lost.I was about to walk down to Carlos's room but I decided not to.I need to do this on my own and I don't want Carlos getting hurt!I ran down to the Entrance of Audoran Prep and got in the limo.About 5 minutes later I was back on the island.Nothing really changed I just haven't really seen it in a while.Ever since Ben got crowned King.I ran down to Where my mom was.She pretty much is in the same place.In Maleficent's Castle.Or was a find out place?I forgot already.I walked in and saw my mother putting more make-up on then ever.I stomped over to her and tapped her shoulder so she knew who it was."Why hello Darling?Still with that dog lover Carlos?"My mother laughed."Mom I came here to tell you that you can't break me and Carlos apart!Don't you want me to be happy?Cause Carlos makes me the Happiest girl in the land.Was it that you never had a prince fall in love u and you don't want your own daughter to have someone that loves her?"I stammered.I could feel more tears run down my cheeks.My mom looked at me then sighed."I don't want you to make the same mistake as me!"My mom shouted."Then what is about Carlos that's so wrong?"I asked.My mom looked at me more confused."Cause he love dogs!And I wanted you to get the prince I never got.So you could live your lif-"My mom stopped."I love Dogs too.And I'm not getting a Prince Charming to love me.I don't want that kinda life!"I shouted.Just then Carlos barged in the room and did a flip and landed on his butt."See right there is no talent."My mom laughed."Carlos?"I asked.Just then my mom sprayed me with something.Then she went up to Carlos.She was ready to cast a spell on him but I stopped her.I felt like I hated Carlos for some reason but I know I love him.I cast a spell on my mom and she disappeared.Carlos looked at me like I was crazy."Carlos why did-"He cut me off.He kissed me on the lips.The weird feelings were gone.I smiled and hugged the life out of Carlos."Carlos why did you follow me?"I asked."Cause I couldn't let you get hurt.And I needed help to open this can of peanuts."Carlos joked.I smiled and we headed back to Audoran prep.True love is stronger then magic!

Sorry if this was bad guys.Hope you enjoyed!Check out Chapter 1,2 and 3 on sophianne12345 's profile.Till next time!Peace!

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