Harry and Ron predicting the entire book

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"Right", said Harry, crumbling up his first attempt and lobbing it over the heads of a group of chattering first years by the fire. "Okey... on Monday, I will be in danger of-er- burns." "Yeah, you will be", said Ron darkly, "we're seeing the skrewts again on Monday. Okay, Tuesday, I'll... erm..." "Lose a treasured possession", said Harry who was flicking trough Unfogging the Future for ideas. "Good one". said Ron, copying it down. "Because of... erm... Mercury. Why don't you get stabbed in the back by someone you thought was a friend" "Yeah.. cool..." said Harry, scribbling it down, "because... Venus is in the twelfth house."

Goblet of fire

Harry and Ron's divination homework lines up perfectly with Harry's experiences in the Triwizard Tournament. He is in danger of burns (thanks, Dragons) in the first task, loses a treasured possession (Ron) in the second, and is stabbed in the back (by Moody) in the third.

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