Chapter 18: A Changed Me

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The song on the side helped me to picture this when Kate's getting 'transformed', really helps set the mode!!

Kate's POV<

All I could see was darkness, the air was cold and I was numb. 

I tried to call out but nothing would come out of my mouth, it was like someone had glazed over my vocal cords with ice. I was cold on the inside and out. When the person who was dragging me came to a halt in front of a giant wooden door. I didn't know where we were only that I had never seen this place before. 

I was thrown into the room and landing on the cold stone floor with a thud. The door slammed behind the person and I looked up to stare into big blue eyes. I felt my own eyes get wide as I recognized the person who had kidnapped me. It was London. 

My cousin.

My own flesh and blood. 

"London?" I asked trying to get up. 

"Hello cous, how you doing?" He smiled down at me, but it was not a nice smile. 

"What are you..." I stood up was only to start backing away as Avery's mother came out of a dark corner. 

"I told you they'd find you. Now you'll have to pay for your foolishness." He cracked his knuckles and looked back at Avery's mom.

"You?" I turned on her. "You turned my own cousin against me? The closest thing I had to a real sibling and you turned him against me?!?!" I screamed at her. 

She smiled her teeth gleaming in the darkness, "Yes you stupid slut, and the only reason I did it was because I thought it would hurt you more. Seeing your own family not want you here, on this earth, at least not in this form." She leaned over and kissed London on the cheek. 

"She's all yours," She said as she slinked back into the shadows still holding that sick smile on her face. 

London walked closer and closer to me, looking so evil, that I made the boogie-man look like a child's story. "London, don't please don't....we're family." I said as my back hit the wall. 

He reached me and pushed my hair off my shoulder, as he was dragging me down the staires I realized that it had fallen out of the bun. "tunt tunt tunt, you were supposed to mine, and now you will be." He whispered in my ear then as his breath reached my neck he whispered "And I'm not your cousin." Then he bit into my neck sinking his teeth deeper and deeper into my flesh. 

I could feel the blood draining from my veins. The warm liquid leaving my blood. I pounded and pound against his back, but that only caused him to wrap my legs around his waist and him to drain me faster. 

I screamed, but soon my cries died out to whispers of pain. Soon he dropped me and I landing with a quiet thud. But the pain did not stop there, oh no he was just getting started. He picked me up above his head and slammed me back down on the ground and I heard a sicking thud. 

He turned me over so that I was on my back, he kicked me in the back making my head whacked on the ground. He kept kicking me in the back and each time causing a new form of strenght to come out my voice and that kept me screaming. 

Soon I felt him bite me in the legs, arms, feet, chest, stomach, and on one of my fingers before the venom from whatever he was fall into my blood stream. I burned, I was setting myself on fire from the inside out. 

I screamed but then he punched me in the stomach making me feel whatever blood I had left come up my throat and come out my mouth. I heard him putting on a jacket and stand up leaving me in a blood of my own blood. 

"You'l be mine soon and if you can't be mine then you can be no ones." He ducked out the door and the room was quiet. 

I couldn't't move, I couldn't't feel, I wanted so badly die. I pleaded with whatever God was there to let me die. But I knew that Avery's mom was to smart for that she wouldn't let me die. She would make me suffer first and then have Avery and I live through whatever I have become. 


I don't know how long I was lying there for a hour, a minute, a day. I really didn't know except that was the longest time in my life. I closed my eyes and let them see darkness thinking that if I fall asleep then the pain will go away and maybe it will. 

Everything was blurry but I remember the door banging open and a voice screaming, "Kate!". The pounding of footsteps was nearing closer and closer to me, making the ground shake with vibrations. 

I could feel my head being pulled onto someones lap, "Kate, no no not you, it can't be you" 

I couldn't feel something wet hit my face in cool little drops, "Baby come back to me please, please, baby please." There was so much sadness, pain, angry in this voice that sounded like the angel of death coming to take me to peaceful place. 

I strained to open my eyes, it was like they were glued shut. I tried talking but my voice box was sewed shut. So instead I took ever once of engery I had left to raise my hand a touch this angel's face. 

When my hand touched his face, I heard an exhale of breath and a laugh of joy. "I knew it, I knew you weren't gone, you wouldn't leave me alone. Oh, Kate I love you so much!" He kissed my forehead. "I promise I'll find who did this to you and I'll rip there heads off." 

"Avery we need to move her, it's not safe down here." Said another voice that made me want to smile. It was a girls, soft and sweet like caramel. 

"Does she like she's in any fucking position to move, Dianna?" He yelled harshly back at her. 

When she spoke again she was closer, "Would you rather have her in our territory or theirs?" 

He sighed and told her to move away as he gently picked me up and a shot a stream of pain down my spine, I curled up into his chest and made a fist with his shirt. "I'm so sorry, this is going to hurt." 

That's when I blacked out. 

SORRYY!!! IT WAS CUT SHORT!!! I wanted to make it longer but I had to be somewhere and I probably won't update for a while because I'll be in Florida!! Thanks for reading COMMENT<FAN<VOTE!!!!

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