Starlight [Explorer's Universe]

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The U.E.A. Starlight, one of the most mysterious ships ever built. It was a sleeper ship, a ship where hundreds of people would be in hibernation awaiting their destination. This ship was sent out on the 23th of July 2086, to build a new colony in one of U.H.A.'s solar systems. It was still designated as United Earth Alliance, to remember them were they came from: Earth. After 2 years of flight, the mission control lost contact with the ship, starting a search expedition. 4 battle cruisers were sent, only one came back: The U.H.A.B.C. Atlantic.

Since that day, the area of losing the battleships is called the Dead Man's Point by local colonists.

 74 years have passed. 74 years of losing hope of ever seeing the ship again. That hope will be rewarded, because a signal has been heard from the Dead Man's Point...

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