Chapter 1

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(Allie's p.o.v)

I rocked back and forth in my swivel chair and spun it in cirlces in front of my computer. Well, the computer isn't really mine. The foster home here provides the kids in it with a bed, a room, some clothes, an allowance (if they behave. I have trouble doing that, hah.) a few desks, and a computer. Since me and my sister share a room, we have a bed in each corner and only I have a computer and a swivel chair. She got a laptop (because she's the "good kid". All that means is that she can do bad things without getting caught. Meanwhile, I don't give a shit and I just charge in and do whatever the hell I want...yea my allowance has been cut substantially.) so I don't have to worry about sharing the computer. I decided to play "Stop When the Red Lights Flash" while I spun. And I turned it up...really....really...loud. I didn't give a shit who heard.

After a few moments, Samantha came into the room, laptop balancing on her left hand. She had a sly grin on her face as she looked at me. She crept to her bed and sat down, closing her laptop and giggling. I gave her a funny look. I turned down the music a bit so she could hear me.

"What the hell are you so happy about?" She looked up at me and giggled.

"Oh, you'll be so happy! But it's a surprise." I groaned.

"You know how I hate waiting...Just tell me already, please?" She shook her head.

"Uh-uh. You have to find out." I shot her a look of disgust and planted both of my feet, which had black converse on them, on the ground to stop me from spinning so I could look at her directly in the eyes.

"Tell. Me. Now." She shook her head even more, causing her necklace to shake. I growled. "So help me I will tickle you." Her eyes widened.


"I'll give you to the count of three..."She gulped. "One..."

"You can't be serious, Allie! I'm not ticklish anymore!"

"Two..." She bit her lip.

"Please no..."


"OKAY OKAY!! Check your e-mail."

"I hardly use my e-mail..." I turned back to the computer and opened Hotmail. I logged in and saw 1 message in my inbox--from Samantha. I looked back to her. "Do I really have to read it on the computer? Why can't you tell me yourself?" She giggled once again.

"Just open the message! And read it out loud!" She really wanted me to read this, didn't she? Ah, well I had nothing to lose, so I opened the message and started reading.

"'Dear sister Allie.' Hey that's the first time you've spelled my name right, isn't it?" I turned back to see her flipping me off with both hands. I laughed and turned back to the screen. "'Since I love you so much (and since I'm the only one who gets an allowance),' HEY NOW!! I get one, too! It's just...a penny a week..." She rolled her eyes.

"Finish already! You said yourself you hate waiting!"

"'I managed to save up enough money to get both of us tickets to...see...Green Friday...and...I can pay for...any souveneirs...and...' Oh dear god, Samantha, I don't need to finish this!" I bolted up from the swivel chair and tackled her onto her bed in a hug. She giggled at me.

"You're welcome. But you're gonna have to provide travel, since I can't drive. Y'know, being 15 and all..." She looked down at that. I pat her head.

"Sure thing. Y'know, being 16 isn't that great, either." She cocked her head to the side.

"Why not?"

"It means you're old enough to do everything, but take care of yourself in the eyes of the public."


"But, forget about it. We're going to see Green Day in a week, thanks to you!" I smiled and she grinned with pride.

And because of that I don't need a single care in the world to bug me.

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