Chapter 2

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A/N: Okay so I've decided to dedicate this chapter to @sunshine_lover as she is just an amazing and inspiring person. Please check out her amazing story!!

Also the pic on the side is Dean Geyer. He plays Aidan, which is someone you will meet later on!

Chapter 2

I sit up slowly with Abbey and look at Alice; I motion for her to come closer, “Ali, what’s wrong?” I ask her quietly as she approaches.

“I had a bad dream.” She mumbles and I look at Abbey and Luke before continuing.

“Well do you want to join me and my friends?” I ask her.

She nods slowly and I take her hand and start up the stairs with her. Abbey and Luke follow behind. Once in my room, I pick Alice up and pull her into a hug. She wraps her arms around me tightly. “Was it the giant caterpillar chasing you again?” I ask her.

I see the slight bob of her head, “Yeah…” It was strange that I had been plagued by that same dream when I was younger.

I kiss the top of her head, “Don’t you worry Ali-bear… the caterpillar can’t hurt you.” I say soothingly.

Luke watches me and raises an eyebrow, “Ali-bear?” He asks and laughs.

I smirk and elbow him in the stomach, “You deserve that.” I state as I put Alice down on my bed and tuck her in. “You can sleep here tonight, okay?”

She gives as small nod and watches me with her blue eyes before yawning and wiggling herself more into the covers. I smile and turn and grab my pyjamas, which is really just a pair of comfortable shorts and a t shirt, off the floor and head into my bathroom to get changed. I get changed quickly and take my hair down out of its ponytail. I let my long hair fall in waves as look at myself in the mirror. I watch my reflection for a second before brushing my teeth and heading back out to join the others. Alice was peacefully asleep in my bed and Luke and Abbey were sitting on my window seat together, staring outside. I watch them and smile, I'm glad they have each other. I head over to them, "So you guys staying over?" I ask them.

They look at each other and shrug, "Sure, why not." they say and get their phones out to text their parents. I knew that their parents would already say that it was fine. They were only going to be down the street.

I look at them, "So what's it like?" I ask them.

Abbey looks at me absentmindedly, "What's what like?" she asks.

I gesture to them, "The shift?" I question and sit on the floor. Luke’s grip tightens around Abbey and he rests his head against hers. She takes in a deep breath but stays silent. "Please, guys! Nobody tells me anything and I think I should know! My birthday is next weekend. I want to know what’s going to happen. Please!" I beg.

Abbey looks at me cautiously, "Well that's because we're not meant to tell anyone about it..."

I frown, "That's not fair! Luke, you asked you're brother and Abbey, Luke told you."

They nod slowly, "You're right but even with people telling us, it didn't help us prepare any more for it. It's only been a month for me and 3 months for Luke and it's still painful for us to think about." Abbey says.

"Please!" I beg to them, "Just tell me, you believe it didn't help you prepare but at least you knew."

Abbey sighs and bites her lip before starting to talk, "What I'm about to tell you does not even come close to what you will experience Cassie. Right now when you want to shift then it is easy, effortless. On that night, no matter how hard you try you can't make the process go any faster. Your wolf and your human form seem to fight for dominance. As the wolf grows and tries to take over, your human form does not seem to want to let go. You feel every bone in your body, crack, and break sometimes shatter as they change shape and remould. At the same time your human organs aren't able to cope with the pressure and the change in your body, they start to fail, your heart starts to fail everything feels like you are being ripped apart from the inside. The intensity of the pain increases until you are brought to within an inch of death, when your body shifts and starts to repair itself."

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