three > sophmore slump or still a sophmore slump. no comebacks of the year.

Start from the beginning

there were purple, blue, and yellow blotches all over my ribs, stomach, and i turned around to see a few on my back. i sighed as i tugged my shirt back down and grabbed my back up hoodie from my backpack to cover up purple spots on my arms and the forming one on my jaw.

as i checked my phone to see the time i noticed it was only seventeen minutes into first period so i could play it off as waking up later than usual. i grabbed my back, slinging it over my shoulder and wincing again at the pain from my back but soon brushing it off and making my way to class.

i opened the door and noticed no ones head pop up. i mouthed a "slept in" to the teacher as all the other kids were working hard and i didn't want to disturb. he nodded and pointed to tray of papers. i picked one up and saw it was a worksheet. i internally groaned as i made my way to my seat in the back corner.

i scanned over the questions, knowing what it was instantly and rushing through it seeming as this stuff was pretty easy for me. when i finished i just sort of drifted off into my thought.

i wonder what josh would say if he saw what violet monster was growing on my jaw. would he be mad? i wouldn't know. maybe he'd want to stop being my friend. so that way he wouldn't have to go through what i do. i wouldn't blame him. this shits hard.

the bell ringing interrupted my thoughts and i quickly snapped out of it. i grabbed my bag and my paper, turning it in at the front and making my way to my next class.  english was okay. i wasn't necessarily bad but i wasn't straight a's either.

we were reading some book about rabbits and their fight for survival called, "water ship down" and today i think we finish it in one period and revise in the next. see, i liked the reading part because i can space out all i want cause this was my favorite book as a kid and I've read it nine thousand times. its the revising I'm bad at.

i sighed as i stopped for a bit of water. when i got up from the water fountain and turned around to walk away but accidentally bump into this dudes shoulder. i look back to see josh stood there looking confused for a bit but then shocked as he saw my face.

"tyler? what happened, are you oka-" he started to ask but i cut him off by putting my hand up quickly and back down before nodding. after that he just looked at me as i stood there awkwardly. i nodded slightly once more before turning on my heel and walking away. i could hear josh's stutters as he got lost in the crowd and i sped away.

once i was soon in the safety of the english classroom, i sighed in relief as i put my bag down and dropped into my seat. i put my head down on the desk and closed my eyes, trying desperately to wish for josh to never have seen me like this. broken and beaten and just horrifying.

the bell rang through the school, signifying the start of class and the teacher passed out the books. we flipped them open to the beginning of the last chapter, she turned the tape on and we all settled into reading. i didn't. i plugged in my headphones but silently so it wouldn't be heard by the people next to me.

maybe ten minutes or so go by before some junior i think i recognized walked into the room and handed a slip to the teacher. she looked it over before scanning the room and letting her eyes settle on me. i panicked for a moment, fearing the worst as she whispered something and gestured for me to get up.

hesitantly, i got up and made my way over to the kid as he started back over to the door. we walked out and i saw josh standing by the lockers outside. he handed the junior a ten dollar bill as he saw us approach him.

"thanks gerald." the guy nodded and walked off. josh looked back to me and i gulped. looking down and hoping that my hoodie covered the bruise so he didn't have to look at that.

"tyler." he said softly. i closed my eyes, begging myself not to look back up into those soft brown nutella eyes. "tyler," he nudged again a little sternly. "tyler please look at me." he said with so much desperation i cursed myself as i looked into his chocolatey eyes. he sighed as his eyes glazed over what was probably a big bruise on my jaw.

"its not that bad okay? you dont have to say anything about it." i said as i bowed my head again in shame. i could hear his breathing labour. probably in shock.

"who did it?" my eyes widened aS the words left his mouth and i looked back up at him with a confused expression. "tell me. now." he said and i could hear the anger in his voice. boy, was he in for a treat.

"jake. jake gregory."


i think ive out written myself. i promised myself only 1500 - 1600 words on these chapters. eh. i guess you deserve it, its been a while.

im so very horribly sorry for this cliff hanger but the next chapter will be amazeballs i promise. also if youre into that, i have a rlly cool frerard goin on. you should go read. it.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

oh and i also started a youtube channel. im known as @//jazmine the wizard// the picture is of me holding a camera in a beanie. i think youll know. okay. im done here. -xojzmn

read/vote/comment/( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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