"I suppose you're here because of the message I left with Kathleen yesterday." Dorothy stated looking him up and down and raising her large nose in the air. Aaden knew he probably didn't look all that great in his greasy baseball cap, dirty work boots, stained up work pants, and hooters t-shirt but he really didn't care about impressing these people and he couldn't have dressed up anyway because then Kathleen would have known he wasn't going to work.

"Yes ma'am." Aaden replied to Dorothy.

"Our position has not changed." Charles stated matter-of-factly. "You are a mistake that we are hoping our daughter will have the good sense to walk away from."

"Yes she belongs with Tom or at least with someone like him." Dorothy added. Aaden shook his head.

"You would rather see your daughter with a man who beats her, cheats on her, talks down to her and makes her feel like trash because he has money and social connections, than with a man like me who truly loves her and worships the ground that she walks on? What kind of parents are you?"

"Do not try to insult us." Charles said anger flashing in his eyes. "We raised that damn girl with the best of everything and taught her to be an obedient wife and a proper lady. Ever since she met you it is like all our years of teaching and all of Tom's years of training her have gone out the window."

"Training her? Are we talking about a woman or a damn golden retriever?" Aaden demanded. Edward chuckled and quickly covered his mouth with his gloved hand.

"I think you need to leave." Dorothy said waving her hand at Aaden as if dismissing him. Aaden shook his head.

"Not until I've said what I came here to say." he replied. Charles crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair.

"Pray tell.. Give us some redneck words of wisdom." he said. What Aaden wanted to do was walk across the room and knock the mans handlebar mustache clean off his face but he fought the urge and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I want to know why the two of you just assume that Kathleen is not happy with me." Aaden said. Charles and Dorothy both laughed.

"Oh my boy you have nothing. You have nothing to offer her." Charles said.

"I love her." Aaden replied. Charles rolled his eyes and twirled his mustache between his fingers.

"You have not been together long enough for love and the lust that our daughter is feeling for you will fade soon enough. There is no way that she is happy with a man like you."

Aaden pulled the picture of Kathleen from his pocket and walked over to Charles and Dorothy. He held the picture out to Charles who took it and looked down at in silently. Dorothy leaned over and looked as well.

"Look at that picture and then tell me that the woman in it is not happy." Aaden said. Edward couldn't help but walk over as well and look over Charles' shoulder at the picture of the woman who was more a daughter to him then his employers child.

Charles and Dorothy were speechless as they looked at the photograph. While they were both appalled by the messiness of her appearance there was no denying her happiness. It was radiating out of this picture like the sun itself. Aaden took their silence as a good sign.

"I know that the two of you don't approve of me but this isn't about me. This is about Kathleen. I don't understand what that incredible woman sees in me any more than you do but I know I love her and she loves me. Now I haven't asked you people for a damn thing and the one thing that she wants is for her parents to come to her wedding and support her. She wants her father to walk her down the aisle…

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