They rode for what seemed like miles and the further they went the more Kathleen relaxed. The views up on the mountains were spectacular. They saw several deer and turkeys and Aaden had laughed at Kathleen's excitement. Finally they came to a stop beside an old mud pit.

The pit was covered in mud and water and the many tire tracks made it clear that people came up here a lot and played in the pit. Aaden got off the fourwheeler like the rest of the men and opened up a cooler. He handed Kathleen a sandwich and the five men and Max made small talk while they all ate.

Finally Dennis jumped back on his fourwheeler and without a word to anyone he revved it up and drove straight into the mud and water. Max laughed happily.

"Take me uncle Billy! Take me!" he shouted. Billy laughed and put his flask back on his hip.

"Come on then kid." he said and both jumped on the fourwheeler and followed after Dennis. It only took a moment for Chuck to join in leaving only Pete, Aaden and Kathleen standing on the dry ground watching them.

"I'm thirsty." Kathleen said to Aaden. Aaden walked over to the cooler but Pete held out his thermos.

"Have ya a drink." Pete said. Kathleen paused for a moment but took the thermos. She was determined to fit in with Aaden's family and she didn't want to insult Pete by refusing his offer.

Aaden saw her put the thermos to her lips and shouted out a warning but it was too late. Kathleen felt like fire was sliding across her tongue and down her throat as the liquid poured into her mouth. She pulled the thermos away from her mouth and starting coughing and sputtering.

Aaden took the thermos from her while Pete laughed so hard he was slapping his leg.

"Good stuff ain't it?" he asked. Kathleen wiped tears from her eyes and looked over at Pete like he was crazy.

"What the hell is that?" she demanded though her voice was barely above a whisper since the damn stuff seemed to have burnt her vocal cords to ash.

"Good ol' fashioned homemade shine. Me and Billy put this batch up last year so she's got some good age to her." Kathleen's eyes widened.

"Moonshine? Isn't that illegal?" she managed to gasp through her parched mouth. Pete's eyes looked down her and she could see the entertainment he was getting out of this.

"You a cop?" he asked. Aaden shook his head.

"Hell no she ain't a cop uncle Pete." He took a sip from the thermos. He took in a sharp breath as he felt his eyes start to water. "Uncle Pete what the hell were you thinking giving her this shit?" he demanded. Pete shrugged.

"She said she was thirsty… That stuff there is good enough to drink by the gallon." he said with a chuckle as he took the thermos from Aaden.

"Only you and Billy are thirsty enough bastards to drink that stuff by the gallon." Aaden said matter-of-factly. He looked over at Kathleen and saw that her face was red and tears were pouring from her eyes but she was smiling.

"Once you get past the intense pain it actually isn't that bad." she said. Pete laughed and slapped her on the back and she grabbed onto Aaden's arm to keep from falling.

"That a girl." Pete said taking a huge swig from the thermos.

"They look like they're having fun." Kathleen said to Aaden as she watched everyone riding and splashing in the mud and water. Aaden nodded.

"Yea they do." he replied.

"Why are we just sitting here? I want to do what they're doing." she said matter-of-factly.

"Are you sure?" Aaden asked with a grin. "You're awfully clean."

"I want to be dirty." she replied with a wink. He wrapped his arms around her and lowered his lips to her ear.

"If you want to be dirty I know a private little spot a couple miles down the trail…." he whispered suggestively. She laughed lightly and slapped his arm. He could see the excitement in her eyes as she jumped onto the fourwheeler.

"Come on!" she said. "Let's have some fun." Aaden laughed and jumped onto the fourwheeler. He revved it up and drove fast for the mudhole.

"Hold on tight!" he yelled. Kathleen gripped tight around his waist and laughed happily as they hit the mud and water and it covered them from head to toe soaking completely through their clothes.

They rode around for a long time before one by one everyone made there way back up to dry ground.

"Damn girl you sure you weren't raised up in the holler?" Pete asked as she jumped back off of the fourwheeler. She was smiling happily and Aaden took a few moments to just look at her. She was wearing one of his white muscle tanks beneath a pair of his camouflage overalls. She had her long blond hair pulled back on her head and pulled through a black baseball cap. She was covered from head to toe in mud and he had never seen her look more beautiful or happy.

He reached into the saddlebag on his fourwheeler and pulled out a tiny digital camera. He always kept the camera with him on his fourwheeler so he could take pictures of any big bucks he might want to hunt for come deer season.

He aimed it at her and snapped a picture without her knowing… She was too busy laughing and joking with his uncle, cousins and nephew. He was shocked to see that even Dennis who never smiled or joked was grinning. Kathleen's innocence and excitement seemed to be infectious and was rubbing off on everyone. Aaden slipped the camera back in the saddlebag and joined in the conversation.

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