Chapter 4: Young Pup, Meet Full Demon!

Start from the beginning

"And don't think I didn't just notice what you were doing. How can you not know what you are?" Sesshomaru asks.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about." Yui says.

"Hmm, you aren't a demon... but you aren't a half demon either. So, just what are you?" Sesshomaru asks.

"What are you talking about, milord?" Jaken asks.

"She's just a strange human. Something smells very off about her, I know." Inuyasha says.

"What the... Are you two dogs saying I stink?!" Yui asks and she sighs, "The point being is, I might be just a human, but I won't let you hurt Inuyasha or Kagome!"

"Your blood was boiling because of Jaken... though is smells as if it's been boiling for quite a while. Anger? No... longing? To release whatever is inside you. Let's see if this works at all." Sesshomaru says before he attacks Kagome with his poison claws and Yui gasps.

"KAGOME!" Yui yells in unison with Inuyasha. Inuyasha rushes forward and attacks Sesshomaru as he manages to actually land a hit. Yui throws yet another skull towards Sesshomaru.

"Yui! Get out of here!" Inuyasha yells as Sesshomaru begins attacking Inuyasha again, "AH!" Inuyasha attacks Sesshomaru again and Sesshomaru's chest armor shatters off Sesshomaru.

"All that for a memory and a dead mortal girl? If I'd known that's what it took to make you fight, I'd have killed her sooner." Sesshomaru says and Inuyasha gets angry.

"I'm going to slit your stomach, take out your guts and put them in a bowl!" Inuyasha yells, "By the time I'm through, you're gonna wish it was you who was dead!" Yui gasps when suddenly, Kagome bursts free from the pile of goop left by Sesshomaru's poison claw.

"I thought I was a goner." Kagome says.

"K-K-Kagome?" Yui asks.

"Huh?" Inuyasha asks.

"HEY, YOU! You tried to kill me, didn't you?!" Kagome asks pointing the sword at Sesshomaru, "Don't go thinking you're gonna get away with it, mister." Kagome looks at Inuyasha who was confused.

"Here. I think we underestimated it. Don't let me down." Kagome says.

"Uh..." Inuyasha says, "Hey, uh, how come you're still alive?"

"Hmm? Uh, I don't know." Kagome says looking at herself.

"The sword – that's what protected you." Sesshomaru says and the wind picks up around Sesshomaru.

"It's true. Those claws of his are deadly poison. It had to be the sword, or she really would have died." Myoga says, "Why not put it to a real test and try it on Sesshomaru?"

"Big words for such small vermin." Sesshomaru says as he begins to radiate with power. Yui's eyes widen as she steps back as she stood beside Inuyasha.

"Uh... guys... Something... something is happening." Yui says. The wind gets stronger and Yui and Kagome duck behind Inuyasha as the wind chucks skulls at Inuyasha and they shatter against him.

"Let's see if a half breed can even wield the Tetsusaiga." Sesshomaru says, "I myself shall be the witness." His eyes turn red and Yui's eyes widen in shock. He gets surrounded in a white cloud before he appears as a giant dog demon.

"He changed!" Kagome says.

"Good, because now we know his real form." Inuyasha says.

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