2- You're annoying

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Not even 5 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

I sighed as I stood up and ran down the stairs.

Without even looking through the peephole, to see who it was, I opened the door to come face to face with the pervert next door.

Great.... Him again.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

He walked into the house, and smiled.

"Oohh feisty aren't ya?" He joked, as he kicked his dark red shoes off, and put them on the shoe rack.

"Umm". I mumble. "Most people invite you in, before you can just walk into someone's home".

He rolled his eyes.

"I don't listen to rules". He says, looking around our empty living room.

I closed the door, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You're really annoying". I state.

He nods. "I get that a lot, but I really don't care". 

{🎶I really don't care🎶 Haha, get it? Demi Lovato reference? No? Okay...}

"Can you please go?" I ask. "I have stuff to do".

He turns around and looks at me. God his eyes!

His hazel orbs staring deep into mine. He could make any girl speechless just by looking at them.

"Like what?" He asks, taking a step towards me.

"Umm like organizing my room". I imply.

"Oh cool, I can help you". He smiles.

"I'd rather you not". I tell him.

"Ugh! Fine". He says. He walks back over towards his shoes and puts them back on. "See you later". He says, waving to me.

"Thank you". I praise. Thank the lord!

He opens the door and walks out.

Now that he was gone, I needed a drink.

I made my way into the kitchen, where a bunch of boxes were laying on the floor and counters.

I started digging through each box, trying to find where the cups were.

After going through about 10 boxes, I finally found them.

I grabbed a glass cup, and took it over towards the fridge.

I pushed the water suspensor button, and filled my glass up with water.

I took a sip, as I made my way back upstairs.

My bedroom door was closed, once I had got to the top of the staircase.

I thought I left it open?

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