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her lip tugged between her teeth, her hair wild with no rest. it hadn't gone unnoticed by him, the way she'd blink rapidly. or when she arose from her seat, only to walk into the bathroom. returning to her seat shortly after where her makeup had been different and her eyes slightly puffy. her cheeks devoided of color, her eyes drained. her fingers clinging onto the book within her hands clenched tight. her coffee becoming cold, untouched.

he watched as she remained silent, knowing her mind had to be screaming. he found himself lost within the strands of her chestnut locks, or pale color of her cheeks. she was without a doubt, beautiful. but she was broken, he could see it.

he watched as she took small glances in his direction, ducking her head down when her eyes met his. she hadn't meant to, she couldn't help herself. she could feel his eyes burning through her, knowing he could sense how weak she was. but that hadn't stopped her from seeing the way he was restless, his body tight. he was clinging onto his cup so tightly, she feared the cup may overflow, his fingers burning from the coffee.

when their eyes met, it was as if they both saw gray. there was no color, no emotion. two strangers sitting across one another in a coffee shop, reading one another's silent calls. he struggled understanding why a heartbroken girl was even bothering to step foot outside, although he asked himself the same thing.

she watched as he brought the cup to his lips, his eyes diverted to the window. his chest was heaving, his hands shaking. his messy hair tucked under a beanie, in an attempt to hide a rough night. his skin was paled, his eyes empty. he was hurt, she could see it.

he could tell she was watching him, but he wouldn't look her way. not until her eyes were glued in that stupid book did he take the chance to turn his head her way. they wouldn't admit to watching one another, but they both knew. and when she lifted her eyes to meet his, they both looked away. and soon, it was her turn to look.

and as these two strangers took in one another's appearance, it was clear to the both of them that they were broken. each of them half a heart, the other halves being crushed between another's hands. it wasn't until the very last time he glanced at her, her brown eyes meeting his again, that he stood up and walked to her. his height towering over the table she sat at.

"may I?" he asked, her giving a light shake of the head signalling it was okay for him to sit. his hands reached for the back of the chair, sitting directly in front of her. he didn't have to sit with her, but he wished the table hadn't been so wide so he could loose himself in her brown irises. her eyes hadn't met his yet, her gaze meeting his rested hands rather than his brown orbs.

he took in her silence, feeling guilty for interrupting her quiet time alone. but a part of him ached to know why she had been so quiet. he wanted to hear her voice, to understand why her eyes were puffy. he wanted to know why exactly she had been up so early in the morning, her hair beautifully tangled. he caught her breathing change, the way it began to speed. clearing his throat, he spoke.

"your makeup," he began, "it's different." he narrowed his eyes towards her, making her lean back slightly. she looked taken back as if she hadn't expected anyone to notice the way she fixed her smudged eyeliner or cleaned up the left over mascara from the night before. she was utterly confused, but gave a nod.

"your hair," she mumbled, "it's a mess." she noticed the loose strands that poked out from underneath the gray beanie, shaking her head slightly at his effort of hiding his messy mop of hair. she hadn't even attempted to hide hers, she hadn't had the energy. he let out a short laugh, knowing she had been correct.

"your cheeks," he started, "they're flushed." from afar, he noticed the way her skin was pale. but her cheeks paler. she'd lost color, her features drained.

"your eyes," she felt the need to continue their list, "they've been devoided of color."

it was then that he realized the delicacy her voice held, how fragile it had been. her voice had been so light, so weak. he listened as every word rolled nearly silently off of her tongue. if she spoke any louder, she may just crack. he could hear the struggle she was going through, making his stomach drop a little more.

"your voice," he acknowledged the way it had sounded, "it's very fragile."

her head ducked down, her eyes shutting closed. he watched her swallow, he watched her hands clench. he examined the way she took in a breath through her nose, exhaling through her cherry lips. she brought her hands through her hair, bringing her lip between her teeth yet again. and as she opened her eyes, he looked at her makeup watching the eyeliner smudge. he couldn't help but adore the way she was fighting to hold herself together, making him want to break with her.

"your hands," she managed to speak, watching him closely, "they're shaking."

she watched him open and close his fists to stop them from shaking. his knuckles white, his hands dry. she watched as his eyebrows were furrowed tightly, his hands continuously flying to his lips to give them a tug. she wondered if he had been in deep thought, or if he was studying her further. she only hoped it was the first option.

"your eyes," he added, breaking her thoughts, "they're quite glossy."

her breathing came to a hault, her hands reaching to dry her eyes. she felt embarrassed, weak. she was trying so hard to pull herself together, and she mentally resented herself for beginning to crack in front of such a beautiful stranger. he watched intently at her efforts, giving her time to wipe her eyes.

"your heart," he paused, before speaking, "broken."

she slowly nodded, finishing the drying of her eyes. she slowly shook her head, letting out a laugh almost calling herself pathetic. this made him frown, knowing exactly the thoughts that were swarming through her head.

"as is yours," she pushed, noticing the way he was watching her. it was obvious, his body language stiff, his eyes tired. he looked restless, as if he'd been up all night thinking of the worst. he must've been hurt, taking the way he was examining her it was only clear he had to be feeling the same in order to point out such detail.

"would you like another coffee?" he asked, wanting to sit a little longer with the stranger he'd met. although he knew nothing of her, not even a name, he felt intrigued by her. interested with the thought of seeing her smile, and yearning to know who had the audacity to break such a fragile heart.

"why?" she wondered, bewildered that a stranger had inspected her to such an extent and still bothered to stay.

"you've got a story, I've got a story, why not?"

"okay," she shrugged, watching as he lifted himself from the table to buy more coffee for the both of them. she found it quite amusing how the man she had been admiring, found himself buying her another drink. she hadn't minded, hers was cold by then.

she watched him pay, soon after making his way back to her table. his long legs striding to meet her, a soft smile tugged onto his lips. he placed the coffee by her, taking his previous place. she leaned forward, looking at the gorgeous colorless man sitting in front of her. his entire being filling her with amusement.

"so tell me, who's the lucky girl that broke your heart?" her lips pursed while he leaned forward as well while keeping a respectful distance.

"only if you tell me the reason behind those glossy eyes."


im excited ((-:

*chapters are purposely short*

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