Chapter 3

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Nathan's POV

~~ the next day at school ~~

I walk around the quad looking for Haley. I see her sitting at a table alone writing in a book. I walk up to her.

"Hey Haley. Are we having another tutor session today?" I ask

"Oh um, I don't really think we should. I actually don't think we should have anymore tutor sessions, well at least not with me, here is a list of other tutors and if-" she says but I cut her off

"Woah, woah Haley. What are you talking about?" I ask

"Oh I just...uh...well... You see-"

"Haley I can tell something wrong." Is say as I sit next to her. "What is it?"

"Are you sure you want to know? I mean you might get mad."
She says

"Yes. I'm sure." I say laughing

"Okay so yesterday after I got my stuff off the porch and you went back to shooting, when I walked past your dad he grabbed my arm and said that I have to leave you alone or I'll get what I deserve." She says

"Wow. I'm sorry Haley. He doesn't mean it. I think. But dont worry I'll protect you." I say and she starts laughing and so do I

"Thanks knight in shining armor." She says and we both laugh. "Okay wanna go to my house or yours today?" She asks

"My dad has a meeting till 8 tonight so we can go to my house. Only if you want to."

"That be great!"

~~ later that Day after school ~~

Haleys POV

I meet Nathan on the quad and we go to his car and drive to his house.

"Okay we can go to the kitchen table again." He says


We sit across from each other.

"Okay now do this problem." I say as I hand him the textbook. After 5 minutes of him just looking at the textbook he says

"I don't know."

"Oh sure you do its just like the one from yesterday. Want me to help you?" I say

"Yea. Kind of" he says with a smile. God I love that smile. I get up and go sit next to him. After I explain it to him he answers
"Is the answer 192?"

"Yes! See I knew you could do it!" I say and I don't even realize how close we were.

Nathan's POV

"Yes! See I knew you could do it!"
Haley says after I get it right. Her smile is so beautiful. After a couple seconds I realize how close we were.

"Wow. I never realized how pretty your eyes were." I say

"Aw thanks nate." She says

We're so close and all I want to do is kiss her so without even thinking twice I kiss her and it feels so good. Then we pull away.

" shouldn't have done that." She says

"Yea but I wanted to." I say

"Yea." She says but then she kisses me and I don't hesitate to kiss back. We kiss, or shall I say make out, the thought of that makes me smile, for about like 5 minutes and I didn't even hear the front door open and close and when we stop I look at Haley and she smiles and I say

"Haley, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." She says

"What is this?!" I hear someone yell and I look over to see my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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