I'll wait my turn

To tear inside you

Watch you burn

And I'll wait my turn

To terrorize you

Prick. He was a prick, Konstantine had decided that, and she was glad he hadn't called, because she didn't hang out with pricks, especially those tall, quiet, mysterious, blond, blue-eyed pricks.

As if right on cue, she saw the blond haired guy enter the store and walk up to the counter, walking right past her, not bothering to look beside him.

Now you're just being ridiculous, Konstantine thought.

Luke whistled, catching Ashton's attention from behind the counter. Ashton chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"Why are you here? You know I don't get off work until 5," Ashton notified, reorganizing some of the pastries on the display.

"I know, but I am dying of boredom, I came to bother you," Luke smirked, resting his hands on the counter he saw Ashton clean no more than 5 minutes ago.

Ashton rolled his eyes. "Perhaps you want to bother someone else; look behind you, to your left."

Luke followed Ashton's instructions, his eyes falling upon the brunette girl with the steaming coffee burning her tongue. It was clear she was looking at him, she made it obvious by the way her eyes flicked back to her computer screen a bit too fast and too forced.

"Shit," Luke muttered, "I haven't called her."

"What the fuck? Man, you just fucked up." Ashton retorted.

"You were the one who told me not to call her immediately, asshole," Luke reminded him, putting his hands on his pockets.

"Yeah, but that didn't mean it was okay to let her see you out in public if you still haven't called her!" The hazel eyed boy defended himself, pushing Luke's hands off the counter before cleaning it again with a rag.

"I didn't know she'd be here!"

"Well I didn't know you'd be here either, otherwise I would've called you," Ashton rolled his eyes, "see why it's important to let me know when you're coming?"

"Give me an espresso or some shit and shut up," Luke spat, putting his hands on the counter again and smirking, to which Ashton just flipped him off.

Konstantine watched in amusement as the two boys glared at each other, Ashton trying to not burn himself with the coffee while Luke pissed him off to no extent. After he'd finished pouring whatever it was Luke had ordered, Luke murmured something she couldn't quite make out what it was.

"Shit," she cursed to herself as she saw Luke turning around and walking towards her table. She looked down to the table, splatter of coffee adorned the wood due to the fact that she'd choked on it when the mere sight of his eyes looking at her surprised her.

"Fuck," she whispered as she grabbed a napkin and wiped the coffee from the table.

"Hey," Luke greeted quietly, sitting down with a mug of whatever on his hand, "everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Konstantine rectified nervously, cleaning her hands with her jeans, "it's too hot, that's all."

"Yeah, you should tell Ashton about that, maybe you can get a free coffee if you piss him off enough," Luke informed, chuckling.

"Maybe," she answered, chuckling humorlessly, tucking strands of hair behind her ears.

"So, how's it been?" He asked her, stirring his coffee with his finger, act she found weird, but cute nonetheless.

"It's been good," she responded, biting her lip. "You?"

"Yeah, about that," he sighed, "sorry I didn't call you; I've been quite busy with some family things." He lied.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," she replied, smiling; deep down she was feeling sudden relief, maybe after all he wasn't a prick.

"Yeah, I was actually going to call you to see if you wanted to come here and pick up some coffee or something," he added another lie, chuckling. He turned around only to find Ashton shaking his head at him, rolling his eyes and smirking, Luke ignored him.

"Oh, cool," she added, "I come here almost all the time."

"Really? This is the first time I've seen you here, and I come here a lot, Ashton works here, so..."

"Well, it seems like you haven't seen enough," Konstantine let out a sigh, staring at him and biting her lip.

"What are you doing?" Luke cleared his throat, changing the topic and pointing to his laptop.

"Well, I was trying to make an essay. I think psychology's eating me alive."

"Oh crap, I thought psychology was supposed to make you feel better," Luke joked, earning a slight laugh from Konstantine.

"Not if you're trying to major in it." Konstantine murmured.

"What about we finish our coffee and go do something fun?" Luke proposed, taking another sip of his espresso, hoping Ashton hadn't spat on it.

"No, Luke, I need to finish this," Konstantine opposed, going back to her normal self. Luke cursed internally- how can this girl be giggly and then go back to cold hearted bitch was beyond him.

"Well, I can help you, if you'd like," Luke offered once again, moving closer to where the laptop was.

"Unless you know anything about human behaviour and how the human mind works in a situation of anxiety, which I doubt you do, then you can't help me." Konstantine frowned, looking back at her screen.

"We're in it for a little challenge I see," Luke replied, cockiness oozing from his mouth like blood, "don't you ever doubt me, I know more than you would ever like to."

"Well then, Mind Lord, if you're really that good at it like you say you are, then I guess you can help me," Konstantine bit, flicking her chocolate hair off her shoulder, "if it sounds credible enough then we have to go out. Otherwise you leave me alone, deal?"

"Sounds like a deal, sweetie."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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