"Oh don't mind me…." Christy said waving her hand and taking a bite of a cheeseburger. Kathleen sniffed and wiped her face with her hands.

"Aaden, I thought you were going to call me." she said embarrassed that he was seeing her crying. She had never cried in front of anyone other then Christy, and Edward of course when she'd been younger.

"I was going to call you but I decided I wanted to see you instead. I'm glad now that I came because something is wrong with you.. What is it?" She was actually feeling some better already now that she was in his arms. She was curled up on his lap with her head on his chest. His hand was still running through her hair.

"You were wrong." she said matter-of-factly. She felt him smile into her hair.

"That happens a lot." he replied. "Mind telling me what I was wrong about?"

"My boss did not give me my job back because I'm am good at what I do." she said. He didn't like the way she said this and put his finger under her chin and lifted her face so she was looking at him.

"Why did he give you your job back then?"

"I don't have a job anymore.. I quit." she said. She really didn't want to tell him what had happened. She knew that being the man he was he would want to defend her honor.

"Okay. Why did you quit?" he asked.

"It's not important." she said. He grunted.

"To hell it's not. You're crying and upset and I want to know why." she sighed.

"My boss didn't want me back because of my skills as a secretary. He wanted me back because he was hoping I had other skills to offer…. More personal skills that would benefit him…." her voice trailed off as she saw Aaden's jaw tense.

"Where's he live?" Aaden asked.


"Because I think I need to go pay him a visit." Aaden said matter-of-factly.

"Aaden, you can't go and punch everyone who says or does something you don't like to me." Kathleen replied. Aaden shrugged.

"I wasn't going to punch him. I had more of a bullet and gun idea going on." he said. Christy laughed but Kathleen slapped his arm.

"That's not funny." she said. He shrugged again.

"I wasn't trying to be funny." he said. "So what happened?"

"Well he made his move on me and I told him under no circumstance was that going to happen.. He said some things, I smacked him and then I quit."

"You smacked him?" Aaden asked with pride. Kathleen smiled despite herself.

"Yes I did. I think maybe you have rubbed off on me a little." she said. "The only problem now is that after I slapped him he told me that I had two choices… Either quit and walk away from my job and my last payday or he would have me thrown in jail for assault."

"Asshole." Christy said from over at the table. Aaden nodded in agreement.

"Well asshole or not I'm screwed. I have twenty dollars to my name and no more money coming my way and to top it all off apparently my boss at the clinic is good friends with the landlord here so I have been told that I have to be out of here by the end of the week." Kathleen felt new tears filling her eyes. It wasn't fair. She had worked so hard to finally have a place all her own and now because of some jackass with an ego problem she was being kicked out on her backside with nothing.

"I told her not to worry about it she can come stay with me…." Christy said. Aaden shrugged.

"Or you could just come move in with me." he offered. Kathleen looked at him wide-eyed.

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