"Kathy, I don't believe I've ever seen you in a dress quite like that one." He said. Katherine didn't reply. "Why if it wasn't for that horrible scar on your face and that bit of weight you've put on you would look absolutely stunning." Kathleen laid her hand on Aaden's leg to silence him before he had a chance to speak and she smiled at Tom.

"Thank you, Tom. And maybe one day when you go through puberty, grow facial hair and hit your growth spurt you will be able to pass off as a half decent man of course you'll have to have that giant mole removed from your left ass cheek." Aaden and several other people at the table laughed but Tom and her mother and father all glared at her angrily.

"That is hardly an appropriate way to speak at the dinner table." Charles scolded.

"Yes and I do not have a mole on my ass cheek." Tom snapped. Kathleen bit her lip to keep from laughing.

"I'm sorry mom and dad. I will think more carefully about what I say next time." she said matter of factly. They nodded and everyone went back to their own conversations.

"So what were you saying?" Kathleen asked looking back at Aaden. He smiled and was about to reply when Tom cut in again.

"I didn't know poor ignorant rednecks like yourself could afford clothes like that." Tom said to Aaden. Aaden grinned.

"You know you are really starting to get on my nerves." he said. Kathleen was sure Tom was going to explode with anger.

"Well you're getting on my nerves!" Tom yelled as silence fell over the dining room. "What the hell are you doing here anyway! You have nothing to offer Kathy! You are nothing but a stupid little redneck who doesn't even have a pot to piss in if that beat up hunk of junk truck you are driving is any indication! You've done nothing but try to insult me and make me look bad since you got here and I should just kick your ass and be done with it!"

Kathleen's eyes widened and she looked over at Aaden. He looked calm as he stared over at Tom. It was several long tense silent moments before he spoke.

"Friend, I believe your mouth is writing checks that your ass just ain't gonna be able to cash." he said. Tom's eyes narrowed.

"What the hell does that even mean? I have more money than you could ever dream of and if you don't get out of here now I'm gonna kick your ass!" Aaden chuckled.

"You better bring a couple big friends." he said. No one had time to react before Tom launched himself across the table at Aaden. Aaden's chair toppled backward and he and Tom landed in a heap on the floor. Aaden was on his feet first and jerked Tom up by the jacket of his suit.

"Let go of me!" Tom yelled. Aaden did and then stood there looking down at him as the guests watched in mixed states of horror and disbelief. Kathleen called for Edward and he walked over.

"Would you get our suitcases ready and bring them down. I believe we're going to be leaving very soon." she said. He smiled, nodded and quickly walked away.

"How dare you lay hands on me!" Tom said trying to dust off his jacket. Aaden shrugged.

"I ain't the one that came leaping across the table like some kind of pissed of leprechaun." he said.

"I think maybe, Aaden, that you should leave now." Charles said. Aaden looked around the room and nodded.

"I think you're right." he said matter-of-factly. Just then Edward walked back to the door of the dining room and signaled at Kathleen that the bags were ready. She nodded and stood up. She grabbed Aaden's arm .

"Let's get out of here." she said. "You don't belong with these people." She looked at Tom as he nodded in agreement. "Aaden is too good of a man to waste his time spending it with people like you." she added. Tom's brown eyes flashed.

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