Aw Shit.

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Levi's POV

I bust into the room Hanji had made her science study and start to yell, "Hanji! Get your sorry ass down here and bring Jaeger!" He had to be with her. Where else would the Titan run off to?
A second later, there's a clatter from outside and someone lets out a shout.
I walk up to the door and look out. Hanji's there, but she's having trouble with a little kid. How did he get here? Maybe he ran away? Let's see.
I walk out, but as soon as I'm out of the room, Hanji's head snaps towards me, then towards the kid, then back to me again. I can hear her mutter,
"Oh shit." She quickly turns around and starts to walk the other way, away from me, dragging the kid behind her.
I quicken my pace, "Four-eyes! Get back here! And what is a kid doing on the base?"
She stops, causing the kid to trip on her legs and face-plant onto the ground. Hanji's face is red as she looks at me, "Hi Levi.. Nice weather today."
"Like hell it is, what's going on with the kid?" I glance at him as he struggles to get up from the dirt. He looks about six with deep brown hair.
Hanji glances at him, then at me, "Well, you see. It went like this. I asked Eren if I-"
"Yeah," I interrupt, "Where is Eren?"
"I'm getting there, hold on." She takes in a breath of air and wipes her forehead, "Well, I asked if we could try some experiments on him, and he said yes! So of course, we went to my study and got started, but-er- something went wrong."
"What do you mean 'something went wrong.'?" I glare at her, slightly worried about what might have happened to the latest recruit.
Her face gets darker, the sun glinting off her glasses, "Well- he-"
"Oh! Corporal Levi??!" A new voice cuts in and I look in surprise at the kid next to Hanji. His eyes are a startling Caribbean blue. Then I realize.
"Wait. Eren- You-" I look between the scientist and the kid, "YOU'RE Eren? How?"
"Like I said, Levi, something went wrong. He's six again, but he still has some memories, I think. I don't know how it happened, but it did. I'm trying to find a solution, but it'll be hard."
I sigh, rubbing my eyes, "Okay brat. That doesn't mean you're getting it easy with me, though."
His eyes light up, "Working with Corporal Levi? I've dreamed if this! But, can I meet the rest of the group-"
I hold up a hand, signaling the end of the conversation, "Nope. No arguing from you. Shut up and come on."
We leave, Hanji watching us go with wide eyes and a grin as Eren tries to hold my hand. Like hell I'll let him hold my hand. I jerk it away as he sighs. Stupid asshole.
I bring him into my office and sit down, letting the brat stand until he remembers to salute. I lean forward and look him strait in the eye, "Eren, what do you remember? Everything? Tell me all of it."
He looks at his feet, his tiny face so full of energy, "Well, there's my mom and dad, and I remember the Scout Corps being awesome. That's about it."
My eyes narrow, "Anything else? Friends? Experiences? Anything?"
"No sir. For all I remember, I lived a peaceful life in the walls, and I thought you were awesome. Are you saying I'm missing something?"
I lean back in my chair, letting out a big breath, "Yeah kid, you're missing a lot." I stand up and walk over to my desk, mumbling, "Shit, and the rest of his cadet group gets here today. Damn it all to hell."
Eren looks at me with big eyes, "Corproal sir? Can I go color? I want to make a picture for you." His face is calm, so innocent, so fragile. Wait 'till he hears... About his mom, about the wall, everything. Dammit, will I have to tell him?
"Yes, you can go. Ask Petra where the crayons and papers are. She'll tell you. Ask her to let you draw in your room."
The six year old nods, "Yes sir!" He exits the salute and turns around, walking out of the room.
Today's going to be fun.

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