"Too bad they haven't invented golf balls with flashing neon lights on them… That is what she really needs." Tom said with a chuckle. Aaden looked over at Kathleen who was muttering under her breath as she climbed back in the golf cart.

"I'll be right back." Aaden said to everyone. He grabbed the bag of white balls he had chosen and took them back in the building. He came back out carrying a bag of neon green balls that were even brighter then the pink ones that Kathleen had.

"Now we'll both be able to find our balls." he said giving Kathleen a wink. Charles, Tom and Lawrence chuckled and then everyone got onto their carts and drove to the first hole.

Aaden and Kathleen stood in the back and let everyone else go before them. Kathleen noticed that Regina wasn't golfing, instead she seemed to be there just to be Tom's own personal cheerleader.

Tom strutted up to the tee. Aaden looked at him and shook his head. He was wearing yellow plaid pants and a white v-neck sweater. His black hair was full of grease and slicked back on his head… His face was smooth and hair free. Aaden raised a hand to his own jaw which hadn't been that smooth since he'd hit puberty. He looked over at Kathleen.

"You were married to that guy?" he asked with amusement. She slapped his arm.

"I was nineteen when we got married… He seemed like a good way to get the heck out of my parents house… I was stupid." she said. Aaden shook his head.

"No you were just young…" Then he looked over at Tom was wiggling his butt like a ballerina while lining up his shot. "Ok so maybe you were a little dumb but not stupid." Kathleen laughed lightly and without thinking about what she was doing leaned into Aaden's shoulder.

His arm automatically went around her and pulled her closer. Tom hit the ball and sent it flying more than halfway down the fairway.

"Great shot, Tom!" Charles congratulated him. Tom didn't hear him though he was too busy glaring over at his Kathleen leaning into that stupid redneck.

"It's your turn, Kathy." he said matter-of-factly. Kathleen blew out a breath and grabbed a club and a ball from the golf cart.

"Good luck." Aaden whispered to her. She was too nervous to smile though and she walked over and set her ball on the tee. Taking Kathleen golfing was a favorite past time in her family… Kathleen was the single most uncoordinated person any of them knew and they had a blast watching her try to hit the ball in a straight line.

She could hear Tom saying something behind her and she heard Regina giggle. Kathleen was mid swing when that giggle reached her ears and she lost concentration and missed the ball completely.

"Haha!" Dorothy said loudly. "Seems she hasn't gotten any better!"

"Oh yes she has dear.. She only missed it by one foot that time." Charles replied with a chuckle.

"Laugh it up you guys." Kathleen said as she set up and took another swing. This one missed as well and sent a clump of mud and grass flying through the air. Kathleen heard the laughter grow louder and felt tears of shame and embarrassment filling her eyes.

"Kathleen, never was good at anything physical…. I learned that while we were married." Tom said to Regina. Regina giggled and Kathleen felt the tears begin to slip down her cheeks. Just when she knew she was going to completely break down she felt two strong arms wrap around her and a solid body pressed up against her back.

"I'm here, Kathleen. I'm not laughing." Aaden whispered in her ear. She could feel her blood pumping hotter and faster at the feel of him up against her. And she could feel her heart filling with love and gratitude as he stuck up for her. No one else had ever done that.

Redneck Prince CharmingWhere stories live. Discover now