Chapter 10: Memories

Start from the beginning


I sat with Tobin at lunch. It was just the two of us. It was pretty silent, neither of us said a word. Nothing was wrong we were just silent. Then two of Tobin's friends came and sat with us. "Hey Tobs!" A girl with curly hair said.
"And you are...."
"Oh I'm Alex, Alex Morgan."
"Nice to meet you Alex! I'm Lauren Cheney."
"And I'm Amy or ARod."

I just smiled at them. I talked to them more and got to know them more. We all played soccer and dreamed of being on the national team.
"Lets make a bet. If we all make the national team I will take us all out for dinner and I will pay." Lauren said.
"Deal!" Tobin and I say.
"But you guys would make the national team before me because I'm younger then all of you." I said.
"No worries we will be waiting for you up there." Lauren says to me.

Pretty soon after that we were all friends. After school one day Lauren and me hung out for a while. We hanged out at her house and we just talked.
"I though you and Tobin were gonna watch a movie today?"
"We were but like...."
"What?" Lauren asks me. I could tell she was trying to be careful and not push me. I stayed silent for a minute.
"Come on Alex you know you can tell me anything."
"She's been ignoring me lately and hasn't been talking to me and I don't know why. And I feel like I'm losing her and I swear I didn't do anything wrong and...."

I slowly began to cry because Tobin was my best friend and has been there for me when no one else was and i never want to lose her. Without saying another word Lauren pulled me into a hug. I cried into her shoulder as she hugged me.
"Shhh it's okay. I'll be there for you."

*end of flashback*

Lauren has always been there for me up to this day.

Tobin's POV
Before I went to sleep I laid in bed and thoughts and memories ran through my mind.

I ran into the bathroom and cried. Again I was just humiliated at lunch in front of the whole school. I've always been picked on and it sucks. I sit in the bathroom and cry. Then I here the door open and someone walks in. She seemed startled to see me there.
"Are you okay?" She asked with concern in her voice. I just shake my head no and continue to cry. Then she walks over to me and gives me a tissue. I take it and I wipe my tears away. I thought she would just walk away but she didn't. She sat down next to me. "My name is Lauren." She said. I picked up my head and looked at her. I've never seen her before. She had brown curly hair and she was pretty.

"My name is Tobin." I said back.
"So what are you doing in here? If you don't mind me asking."
"I was just humiliated at lunch again..."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be. It happens to me all the time."
"Well then let me help you. If you get humiliated I will be next to you and we will be laughed at together."
"I can't let you do that. I'm not gonna let you do that for me." I say back. I felt bad that she was going to do all that for me.
"Well to bad I am. I want to do this trust me." Lauren says confidently.
"I'm sorry I don't know if i can trust anyone anymore..."
"Then let's build our trust in each other. Okay?"
Lauren lends out a hand for me to grab. I smile and take it.

From that moment on I trust Lauren with all my life. She did so much for me back in high school and I could never repay her. "Thank you Lauren." I say softly as i drift off to sleep.

Amy's POV
I went to my room and it was so lonely. I'm gonna miss having Lauren as my roommate. I took a quick shower, put some comfy clothes on and went to bed instantly. It felt really empty in this room with Lauren.


I woke up early in the morning And put my running clothes on. Then I walked over to Lauren's house and saw her waiting. We always go on morning runs on Saturday.
"Hey ARod!"
"You ready?" I ask. She nods and we begin to run. We run on this trail in the woods. It always looks beautiful when the suns goes through the leafs on the trees. As we run I trip over a root and feel pain in my ankle so I fall to the ground.
"Amy are you okay?"
"Is there any blood?" I ask.
"No there isn't."
"Okay so I might be okay." I say with a laugh.
I grab Lauren's hand and she helps me up. "Can you walk?" "Well let's see." I balance on my own and take a step and feel even more pain. As I'm about to fall from the pain Lauren catches me. "I'll take that as I no." Lauren says with a laugh as she wraps my arm around her neck and helps me walk.

We walk back to my house and we get in the car and drive to the hospital. It turns out I sprained my ankle. The doctor puts a brace on my knee then hands me some crutches. I thank him and we go back to my car and a Lauren drives us back to my house.
"That's unfortunate." I say then we both laugh. "But thanks Lauren for coming with me.
"No problem."

*end of flashback*

That was a painful but pretty funny moment I had with Lauren.

Authors a Note: I kinda cried typing this😭 but yea this chapter was mainly flashbacks of moments with Lauren. I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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