The Price That Comes With Love.

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"You're not bailing on me again are you?", she said teasingly. The winter season had just rolled in and every time it did Megan always tried to get me to follow her to some 'cool' place. I rolled my eyes,"You're joking right?", I chuckled. She stuck her tounge out and I flicked her forehead making her giggle more. She grabbed my hand before I had time to put it back down at my side and ran along, dragging me behind her. Gosh she is so cute all excited like this, I thought to myself, making me blush. Her navy-blue snow jacket bounced along with her as her black boots crunched the snow beneathe her. "Haven't you told me about this place before Megan?", I asked still being dragged behind her. She was holding my hand as we were running, her grip was tight, and just thinking about it was making me blush. I've liked Megan for a long time and I've always wanted to be with her, and today I was going to make my move. Instead of her answering my question Megan just responded with a teasing glance back. I sighed and just went along with her yelling at me every so often to keep up. The snow was cold on my nose making me sniffle. I wasn't one to complain a lot but I prefer the summer a lot better then the winter, mostly because it's just to cold to be wondering around outside, well to me anyways. Most guys don't really care what season it is, they'd always find something fun to do, but during the winter time I'd always convince Megan to come over and hang out with me, indoors I might add. Sure she would, at times ,try to get me to go outside but she'd usually fail. Another thing that really bothered me was how still the wintertime is ,it's just too cold for the wildlife so everything is always so quite and lonely. I came out of my thoughts when I saw Megan was panting and trying to catch her breath, I know she really wanted to show me the place but I figured it be best if we took a break. I gently tugged her to a stop and said," We should pace ourselves, it's only two o'clock we will have plenty of time for you to show me the place", and which she responded with an agittated huff. Even though she didn't seem to thrilled about it I eventually convinced her . We stood in silence for awhile, it was mostly my fault because my mind was just drawing a blank slate as I just stared into her eyes like a deer in headlights. Megan gently blinked her eyes and turned her attention to a nearby tree. While she was letting her breathing calm I just stared at her beautiful composure. Her face was proportioned so evenly, and her skin was like ivory, her lips were the best shade of paleish pink that looked plump to the touch. I bit my lip nervously and then she looked at me, the snow landing ever so gradually on her and the wind blowing just enough to make her hair look like it was flying. She began to lean closer to me and I looked away from her beauty knowing that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing her. Her perfume smelt of rich mixtures of flowers and elegance as she landed her arms around me, she pressed her body against mine so our heat was being shared. She still kept her face a good distance away from mine though and through her luscious lips she spoke," I-im cold..", with her cheeks turning red. Our heat was almost radiating it felt like, we couldn't get closer then we already were I thought . But then I leaned closer to her face and tilted my head just enough for us to come into perfect harmony. I kissed her and sparks flew. I could feel her hands become tangled in my hair and mine go to her hips. My cheeks were as hot as a thousand suns and I had a feeling hers were too. We finally stopped and the look on her face was more than enough to tell me how she felt, it was one of many emotions mostly delight and a wanting of more but there was a slight sadness.

"Wow..", Megan said with a smile and her cheeks still flushed. I smiled nervously and let go of her body," Uh. Well we should continue then", I said clearing my throat nervously. She nodded and extended her hand for mine which I of course excepted. We then began to walk and as we did we made small talk and I kept asking her about the 'place' she was so excited to show me but she'd usually just answer with," Just be patient silly.", followed by a small giggle. As we were walking I noticed we pasted a couple signs clearly stating that we shouldn't be there and that there was danger ahead but I just ignored them. The path was covered in gravel and it was eerily quite except for Megan and I's breathing. Since it was winter the gravel was slippery ,thanks to the snow, so that made us slip and fall every time we lost our footing. When I felt Megan beginning to slip I would pull her back towards me, to catch her, she would always thank me but then start freaking out and start to run yelling,"come on,come on we can't keep walking". So we began to run, but it looked like her life depended on it. The whole running idea was stupid, seeing as it made us trip and fall even more constantly than before. I soon got tired of us falling and hurting ourselves so I stopped dead in my tracks, pulling Megan back with me. She looked at me puzzled and upset,"What do you think you're doing we have to keep going, come on!", she said while struggling to pull me. I grabbed her other hand and made her stop,"Listen, you may be excited to show me this place or whatever but I dont like getting hurt in the process. Especially seeing you getting banged up.This ground is slippery from the snow so from now on can we please walk.", I asked worriedly. "We just don't have time to walk ,trust me okay?", she said demandingly. I just looked at her and placed my feet firmly to the ground, she hated when I acted like this but I was worried. She frowned heavily but started to walk at a steady pace. I glanced at her a couple times, her face was blank and I couldn't read it. I tried starting up a conversation with her but I just got a silent stare. We walked in silence, and since Megan wasn't telling me which way to go I was being dragged around like a doll. Her grip had also weakened alot and it felt like she wasnt even interested any more. After a few moments of awkward silence the scenery started to shift from road signs, fences, and buildings to having a bunch of nature strung about. Strange enough there was a huge flock of crows almost looking like they were hiding in the trees, there was moss hanging sadly off the trees branches, and the crows didn't even make a sound ,they just stared at us. Coming to think of it, why were there crows during the winter time? Megan stopped, pulling me back in the process and said," we're here..", in a husky tone. I looked at her and she had her hood up and her face looking away from me, the cold snow wind blew her brown hair wildly making it so I couldn't see her face. I waited for her to show me what she wanted to but she was motionless and was just looking at the creepy crows. I felt very uncomfortable and the hairs on the back of my neck felt like ice. I then tried to let go of Megan's hand but it seemed as if we were glued together. I felt like throwing up or at least passing out, I don't know why though, it felt like just five minutes ago I was fine but right now my stomach felt like it was going to explode along with my head. I tried to talk but my mouth felt so dry and I felt so weak. Megan then looked at me with the most creepyist stare I had gotten all day from her and she asked me the most chilling question,"why aren't you dead yet..?".

My eyes just stared at her as my body trembled beneath me, mouth open wide."..W-wh-what..?", I stuttered out finally, the words tripping off my lips. The wind abruptly stopped after I finished talking and Megan's brown hair landed viciously on her jacket. She turned her head ever so gently so I could just see part of her face, but she didnt answer me, instead just glared at the snowy gravel. My breathing was heavy and I desperately wanted to let go of Megan's stiff hand, but whenever I tried to, pull, tug, yank, and even plead with her to release me it just ended up with her crushing my hand even more. I yelped as it felt like my hand was being broken in pieces and my whole body feeling like it would collapse, "Fuck Megan let go!", I said as my eyes started to water. The crows began to sqauk loudly as if trying to signal something, and then Megan released my hand abruptly. I just stood there wiping the tears from my eyes. She turned to me angry,"Ryan run!", she said her voice switching from husky back to normal. I reached out worriedly and scared and that's when she completely lost it. Her eyes turned jet black, her ivory skin started to show patches of rotting skin, and she began clawing madly at me, she made deep gashes up my whole arm and I quickly retreated it back and began running away. I ran as fast as my legs would go and they soon began to burn, but I continued to run past shrubs and jump over obstacles. I turned my head to see behind myself and all those damn birds were flying after me, making me panic more. But the birds weren't the worst of it, even though my vision was blurry from the tears I know I wasn't mistaken, because all of a sudden Megan appeared out of the middle of all those flying 'things'. I call them things now because seeing them at a better veiw they had razor sharp wings cutting each other while flying after me and not even flinching, their beaks were red, torn and cracked at places leaking a dark shade of blood and their eyes a glowing white. Megan didn't seem fazed by this she just seemed focused on me, her black eyes never leaving mine. As Megan and the birds began to grow closer to me the noise of leaves and twigs breaking soon became loud in my ears.My head was pounding and throbbing to the point were I couldn't stand or hardly see. Then the brush including the trees and bushes around me began to grab me which I responded with flipping out and frantically yanking them off. This resulted in my hands becoming entwined with the vines and my vision becoming darker and I collapsed within them. I struggled to get back on my feet before they could get a firmer grasp on me, but it was too late. Before I knew it, the vines of the bush's began to wrap up my legs and the trees began to sprout arms and grab my torso. The sound of bark breaking and leaves gathering soon got entwined with my cries of agony along with wings swooping down and Megan's laugh, which was barely audible but it was there. "I didn't want to DO THIS!!..why. Did you. Make me. Your touch was so enticing and I wanted it so badly.", she wickedly said with laughs and pauses in-between. I winched at her voice now, it was painful and wretched to listen to. Her appearance wasn't any better, her face had become totally engulfed in rotten flesh, her jacket had been torn down to only strips of cloth from flying with those damn creatures and her eyes were a sickening black, which flickered with demonic insanity as she talked. I began to panic as I saw her walking closer to me, her eyes turning into a more seductive glare. When she reached me she brushed her hand gently down my face and whispered ," How about one more kiss..?", which I responded by rejecting her franticly. It was no use though, she had planted her cold, rough lips on mine already. I started to squirm and flinch as a cold liquid began to rush down my throat, I didn't know what it was but its taste was so fowl and I began to gag but she didn't remove herself. The vines and branches then wrapped themselves tighter around me and began forming a 'cocoon' around us, which Megan had willing stepped into while she was kissing me. The same sound of bark breaking and leaves moving were all I could hear now while the splintery branches held me firmly as it closed itself around the two of us. My vision got cut off with darkness but before it did I swore I saw all of those damn crows inch closer to us and Megan's eyes open staring right into my soul.

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