Chapter 2- Friends

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--Jacks PoV--

"So whats the sleeping plan?"

"Well there's a bed and a couch I guess I could sleep on the cou-"

I cut her off.

"NO! I will not let a lady sleep on the couch, you get the bed"

She nodded.

"Hmmm what a gentleman." She laughs.

Dang her laugh is cute.

I dont notice Im staring until she starts to talk again.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asks.

I nod my head and follow her to the couch.

She went over and grabbed lion king. She put in the disc and sat next to me.

I blushed a little when her hand went over mine.

"What? A girl cant touch your hand?" She asked sarcastically.

I laughed at that statement and continued to watch the movie.

Towards the middle of the movie, her head started to fall on my shoulder. She was asleep in less than 6 minutes.

I let her stay there. She just so... Cute sleeping.

WOAH. Did I just call a girl i just met cute!!?!

I noticed her phone on the table.
Maybe her password is- Nah.."
I type in the numbers 1234 and Im in. Classy (y/n).. Classy.

I scroll to her contacts and I put her phone number in my phone. The movie ended and she was dead asleep. I lightly picked her up bridal style and I carried her to the room and put her on the bed.

I headed for the couch and soon fell right asleep.

--Your Pov--
I was casually sitting on the couch and before I know it, within 6 minutes my eyes were very heavy and I fell dead asleep. I hope Sean doesnt mind me being on his shoulder...

About 1 minute before I was in a deep sleep, I heard him grab my phone. Oh my god, is he stalking me?! I knew he wanted my phone number. But we just met. I was almost tempted to open my eyes but, I pictured his face being  all guilty. I wont do that, thats just mean.

I wake up on my bed.

"How the fuc- Awe Sean!" I say quietly enough so he wouldnt hear.

I begin to trudge into where Sean is.

"Mornin' sleepy head" He says.

"Mornin" I laugh.

I head towards the bathroom after I say hi.

I got dressed and put on some makeup, brushed my hair and teeth, and sat on the couch again.

He looked at me and blushed. I blushed back.

"So wanna get breakfest?" He asked.

I nodded with a smile and headed down to lobby with Sean.

A group of girls surrounded us and kept asking mean questions. Obviously crazy ass fans.

Whos this bitch?
Why is she with you?
Shes fugly...
Get her out of here!

I had a look of shock on my face and backed up as they followed me as if they owned Sean. I looked up at Sean trying to move them.
I was totally calm....

Until one punched me right in the nose.

I pushed right through them and ran back up to the room. I ripped the key card out of my pocket and shoved it into the reader, slammed the door open and slammed it closed. I ran into the bathroom and I looked in the mirror.

Not noticing I had been crying, I had red puffy eyes and a bleeding nose. I put a tissue up to my nose and held it there.

I sat on the couch and cried a little because it still hurt like HELL.

I heard the door open and a lot of whispers behind it.

It was Sean with a bunch of girls behind him whispering about me. I saw them all gasp when they saw me. Some flipped me off and some gave me dirty looks. I didnt fucking care anymore.

Oh shit.

Oh no.


They took a picture of Sean walking into the room with me. Fuck. They got a fucking good shot, hope theyre happy...

I quickly stood up, ran over to the door covering my face, and slammed the door when Sean got in.

"Woah you seem angrier than I thought you were."

"They took a picture of us" I said with an annoyed tone.

"Oh. Shit. This is so bad, for both you and me."

He looked up and apologized so much. He was embarrassed by what they did. I was crying more.

He leaned in for a hug and I took it. I cried in his shoulder for a bit but he got up and grabbed a box of cookies. I smiled and we shared the box while watching "Keeping up with the kardashians"

I turned to him and laughing.

"Why the hell are we watching this"

"I have NO Idea. I thought you liked it so I kept it on"

I laughed and he blushed more. I turned off the Tv and looked him in the eyes. I wasnt one to be shy. He was a little. I picked up his chin.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He replied


I kissed his cheek and went to bed.



He was blushing and smiling super hard..

--Seans Pov--

Wait. Why am I so happy..? Shes the fangirl! Her lips were pretty soft. SEAN STOP

She headed to bed and so did I. I laid my head on the couch and closed my eyea.

All I could think of was her. Before I knew it, I fell asleep smiling.

I liked this chapter :D See you in the next one! ~R

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