Leaving It all Behind

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Chapter 1- Extra Classes

I was engrossed in my thoughts when I heard a voice shouting "Come down Amber, Breakfast's ready! Don't be late!" "Yeah! Coming down!" I replied. I quickly took a shower and wore a blue tank top and white jeans and went downstairs. The breakfast was served on the table, and there he was sitting and having his coffee! My only family, My Brother, Brian.
Brian sometimes pampered me, like a mother does to her children. Though it was sometimes annoying but still I was his only family so I understood that how he felt about me! I gulped down my milk and ate a piece of bread and took my bag and sat in the car. Brian came with his laptop bag and sat on the driving seat and he dropped me at my school. Though it was Sunday but I had to attend the school because I had my extra classes(since I was not that good in physics so I had to attend the classes). When I entered the classroom I saw my best friend, my partner in crime, Mia sitting on the second bench! "Hey Amber! Good to see you after two days! Well, where have you been in these two days?". I said "Was unwell, that's why I couldn't come." "Okay!" She said.
Then Mr. Flenington entered the classroom. I never liked that man. He was the only person in this whole school whom I hated. He always had an undesirable look on his face which always annoyed me.
So he started with his boring lecture. When he saw me yawning he immediately asked "Amber explain the whole thing that I just explained." I didn't know what he said since I wasn't paying attention but then I looked on the blackboard and told him everything that I knew about that topic! He smiled and said "Very impressive Amber. Excellent!" I smiled back and said "Thank you" and then I sat. After nearly 1 hour the class ended. When we were walking out from the school campus Mia asked me "How did you answer that? I noticed you quite a few times you weren't paying attention then how did you gave the answer?" She looked really puzzled. I told her that on Friday Brian taught me all this. Although I wasn't paying attention but when I looked at the diagram I understood in a few seconds what he might be teaching. She stared at me for a few seconds and then smiled. When we went out Brian was already waiting for me in his car. I hugged Mia and waved her goodbye and went inside my car. While driving back to home Brian asked me all those hassling questions like "What did you do today? Did you enjoy? Was there any surprise test?" I looked at him and said "Calm brother. I enjoyed myself. There was no surprise test. And yeah our physics teacher Mr. Flenington asked me a question and I answered it. He was really impressed by it." "Good work little sister!" He said and then winked. We reached our home by 7:30pm and I went upstairs and changed my clothes. Then I came down and cooked for Brian and me. We ate and watched tv for some hours. Then soon by 9pm(which was too early) we went to bed.
Thank you everyone! Suggestions, Comments and Corrections are most welcome! Keep Reading. And yeah! Happy Reading

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