Chapter 2

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"Bit young to be recruiting isnt she?" Gideon said, his voice was deep, strong and very demanding

"Hey!" I yelled offended

"I ain't young dumbass" i said glaring, he shot me a glare and walked over to me. He was about two heads taller than me but i wasn't scare. He didn't say anything, he just stared into my eyes making me uncomfortable but i tried not to show it... guess i showed it though because he smirked and turned to Irons

"I want you to train her Gideon" He said, i turned to him as Gideon snickered

"Train!?" i screamed as my eyes went wide

"Yes Jaelyn, train" Irons said

"Woah! Woah! No! I didn't sign up for this" I said

"Than why are you here?" Gideon asked, i looked at him than back at Irons but he was walking off.

"Come on" Gideon said walking off, i followed him jogging

"Mitchell go find Ilona and let her help with your arm" Gideon said, Mitchell looked at me and nodded jogging off.
"This way" Gideon said as I watched Mitchell. I turned and followed Gideon to wherever we were going
"Where could Irons pick someone like you?" He asked looking down at me
"Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm young" I said glaring at the ground
"And what do you mean "someone like me"?" I added. He chuckled
"You know, sweet and innocent" he said quietly, I stopped walking in shock. He turned around signing
"I'm dreaming" I mumbled
"Speak louder" he groaned
"I'm dreaming" I said louder. He chuckled
"No you're not. Now come on" he started walking again, I sighed and followed him slowly.

"What the hell is that?" I asked looking at this robot thing, it was skinny metal that looked like a human skeleton besides it had no head
"That's your exo skeleton" Gideon said, I took a heavy breath
"I'm dreaming... This is just a dream" I mumbled pacing backwards and forwards
"This is a game... This isn't real" I whispered as Gideon grabbed my arms making me stop walking and look up at him
"What do you mean this is a game?" He asked, I my head
"It's a video game! Call Of Duty: Advance Warfare" I said, he furrowed his eyebrows
"No this is real" he said, I sighed and closed my eyes
"Alright.. But if I get hit i am going to awake up in my bed" I said walking over to the Exo and it attached itself to my arms and legs
"So what started this war?" I asked still in shock
"Hades, he killed thousands of people" Gideon said as he watched me walk
"It's like normal but it gives you this" he said walking over to me and showing me a red pad on my left arm
"Different buttons for different options" he continued tapping a button, suddenly a shield came out of the exo
"That's so cool" I said ghastly. He chuckled and pushed a button making the shield fold up and back into the suit.

"You have to change out of the high heels" Gideon said, i shook my head

"No, i need to stay tall" I said, he sighed

"Fine do not fall behind" he said walking off, i smiled a tiny smile while looking at the ground than walked after him.
"ever held a gun?" He asked
"No..." I trailed off, I was know in an army. I had to learn how to use a gun and they had special guns.
We walked to a gun range but it wasn't like the ones dad would take me too. It was more advanced
"Woah" I whispered in shock, I mean I've seen the bloody range in the game but it's different when you're actually there. You can actually touch it!
I turned to the guns
"Pick one up but do not press anything" Gideon said. 

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