On My Way Home

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  "Now you should really pack everything up and I'll help!" He said clapping his hands and jumping up and down.

  "Did you have coffee this morning or something?" I asked he looked very confused. I'm pretty sure it's obvious on why I asked. He could just always be full of energy or he could be excited.

  "No, why?" Did he not notice how energized he was, he's practically jumping off the walls. Yup, he's just happy and excited.

  "Never mind, you're just silly." He feigned hurt, exactly like Riley did.

  "Ya, so you gotta problem with that?" He put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow. Talk about a diva.

  "That was 1000% correct. No, I'm just kidding." I want to see if he got my reference and he did.

  "Ah, so I see we have a fan?"

  "Yup, okay we should probably get to packing." He nodded. I went to pack my clothes as he collected my posters and pictures. Once he saw my picture of my family with Emma and I, he turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile as he handed me the pictures.

  "You have a beautiful family." He said as we finished up packing up everything.

  "Yeah, I did, but I have another beautiful family now," I spoke in a soft voice hoping he wouldn't hear. He doesn't have to listen to me being sentimental. I'm a very sentimental and deep person at times.

  "Aww, that's really nice, thank you." He said with a smile. "I think you will fit in this family perfectly. Well family as in Scott, Kevin, Kirstie, Avi, and I including more people, but you get the idea." He spoke while zipping up my other duffel bag.

  "That's really nice, thank you. Alright, I think we packed everything." I said looking around my now old room. "Oh shoot!" Mitch looked up at my little outburst.

  "What?" He tilted his head to the side.

  "We should really leave like right now. Before the girls see what you look like." I said. I really don't need him to see what those girls try to pull on good looking men.

  "Why, do I look bad?" He said now freaking out.

  "No no no, you look very attractive. Which is why we should leave or you are going to have some trouble getting out of this building." I really am trying to explain what I mean without telling him what the girls would do, but he just seems more confused the more I explain it. "Okay, due to the fact, that we've been here for a long time I think you might see what I'm talking about." I then grabbed his hand that wasn't carrying a duffel bag, while I grabbed the other duffel bag. This move obviously shocked him, but he recovered shortly after.

  "Okay, so I know this is going to sound very weird and silly, but we need to get out of this building before any kids see us. So you have to do what I say or you might have to deal with something uncomfortable and embarrassing. Can you do that?" I asked I feel like he understands more now even though I barely explained anything. Actually, I didn't explain anything at all.

  "Yup, I don't want to be uncomfortable or embarrassed." He said nodding his head.

  "Okay, good." We then walked down the stairs but then stopped at the second to last step. I saw Aubrey right where I hoped she would be. "Aubrey! Aubrey!" I whisper yelled, hoping she would hear me and she did. She looked at me then at Mitch with a facial expression symbolizing confusion. I then mouthed to her "The girls" and pointed towards Mitch, which she clearly understood.

  "Okay, kids can you please go up to your rooms?" She said in the sweetest voice she could muster. The younger kids here always listen to what she says, so it's not a problem. When I saw that there were no more kids, we both walked down the rest of the stairs.

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