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"Listen to me son, I know you love Corey. But that don't mean you have to put your love life on hold. He won't stop feeling your love if you fall in love with someone else." My mom said dicing some cucumbers.
She's been hassling me about dating again. When in all actuality, I just don't want to.
"Ma, when I feel the need to have a companion I'll get one. But right now Corey is my main focus. And providing for him and making sure he's taken care of and feels loved is my main priority." I explained passing her some tomatoes for her to cut.

"Okay baby. Just think about it." She said. "Corey!" She called. He came running into the kitchen.
"Yes grandma?" He asked.
"Be a big boy for me and help me and your dad set up for dinner."
"But grandma, ZaZa, Cai, Bre, and Leena are coming over. And I want to play."
"Aye boy. She asked you to do something. Stop with all that and do what she asked." I scolded.
He sucked his teeth snatching the silverware off the counter. Before he could even leave the kitchen I snatched his shirt up.
"Fix it dawg. You being mad disrespectful and I'm about to handle it. Do like she asked without the attitude or you going home. Period." I said sternly before letting him go.
"That's why he acts the way he does right there. You so aggressive towards him. He needs you to be affectionate towards him." Cayla said entering the kitchen with ZaZa on her hip, letting me know that Keri had made it.
"When did you become somebody's mother?" I asked looking her up and down.

"I'm not, but I see how Xavier is with ZaZa. And how Chase is with Cai. You so rough." She said.
"C'mere Za." I said reaching for the baby while he clung to my sister.
"See, nobody likes you." She nagged leaving out the kitchen.
My mom chuckled.
"Even if she is younger, she's right. You only see the bad in what Corey does, and you're quick to scold him about it. But do you ever tell him what he's done good?" She questioned.

I was done hearing people trying to tell me how to be a father. I left out the kitchen and noticed my son in the dining room alone setting the table.
I stepped in, taking my mothers words in.
"I ain't mean to upset you son but you know how I am about you being disrespectful." I explained.
"But I wasn't being disrespectful dad. I was just telling grandma I wanted to play."
"But when you're talking to an adult you do as they ask. You not grown. So when somebody ask you to do something it don't matter if you want to play or not you do it."
"But dad--" he continued.
"See this is why I yell Corey. You always want to argue back like you a grown ass man and you not. I said it once and I'm not gone keep repeating myself. What you gotta argue for? Why you can't just say "Yes dad." "Okay dad." It's always but something with you."
He let his head fall as he set the last silverware down and left the dining room with an attitude.

Maybe it's the simple fact that he don't have a mother that i have to be harder on him. Because he uses that as a reason to act up and it's not okay.


Everyone sat around in the backyard, Uncle Bray, Aunt Naunie and Breane. Uncle Jayden and Aunt Tati, Uncle Quay and Aunt Meisha, and Queen. Keri and her boyfriend, and Zy'Lan. My sister and her friends. Micah. Chase, Zyaire, and Cai. My mom and pops. And then me and Corey. We did this every so often.

"What made you come home?" I asked Keri.
"Xavier had a game not too far, so we got a rental car and came." She explained giving her son a piece of chicken.
"ZaZa." I spoke to him and he cut his little eyes at me. Causing me to chuckle.
"He one funny acting little nigga." I said starring back at him.
"Just like mommy." Keri said kissing his cheek.
"You want this?" I asked holding a piece of chicken with my hand towards him. He climbed out of Keri's lap and walked to me taking the chicken.
"Don't be bribing grandma baby." Aunt Naunie said coming over to us.
He looked up at her before looking back at my plate.
"Come here Zy'Lan." She said reaching for him.
He didn't even look her way, his eyes were glued to my plate.

We all laughed.
"Thanks for inviting us." Came from behind us. I turned around seeing the girl from the diner, a girl that looked similar to her but thicker, and Ms. Antoinette.
I clenched my jaw knowing how this probably all came to be.
"Cam!" My mom called. I rolled my eyes standing up taking Zy'Lan's hand as we walked over.
"Hey Cameron." Ms.Antoinette said pulling me into a hug.
"This is my daughter Alisha." She said pointing to the thicker one, who winked at me. "And my niece Micayla." She added pointing to the one with the fro from the diner. Micayla.. cute.
"Another one?" Micayla asked pointing to ZaZa.
"Oh nah, this my little cousin."I said. "His parents over there." I said pointing to Xavier and Keri.
"Come yall, make a plate." My mom said pulling Ms.Antoinette along. Alisha followed behind. Leaving me here with Micayla.
"Don't make this awkward. I was invited. I'm not stalking you or anything like that. So yeah. If you feel uncomfortable with me being here feel free to be my ride home because my aunt is my ride and as long as she's here. So am I." She said walking away.
I haven't said but a few words to the girl and she throwing all types of attitude.


"Ah fuck. Right there." She moaned as I pounded inside of her. She held onto the sink.
"Shhh." I said telling her to be quiet since we were still in my mothers house.
"Mmmmm." She moaned reaching back. I continued to stroke her from the back. Until I met my peak, and filled the condom up. I pulled out, taking the condom off and tying it up before flushing it.
"That was great. We should do it more often." Alisha said fixing her sundress.
"Nah, I don't think we should." I shrugged.
"You must be feeling my cousin. That's cute because she's feeling you too. Too bad, she has an abusive boyfriend and you have a son." She said smirking before opening the bathroom door.

Just as it opened I met eyes with Micayla.
I felt like an asshole. But then again why should I, I don't know shawty like that.
She cleared her throat.
"Is there another bathroom I could use?" She asked avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah, downstairs." I said dryly. And she nodded leaving.

I sighed looking at Alisha regretting this already.

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