Vic Fuentes - @peterisgriffin

Start from the beginning

He looked up and a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I'm sorry..." he said as he slid to the floor, beginning to cry again.  loud sobs came from his mouth as he tried to wipe away tears, but they were just immediately replaced by new ones.

He shook his head as he cried. You rushed over to him, and fell to the floor next to him on your knees.

You wrapped your arms around him and tried to hush him, and calm him down, but it was difficult considering you were in tears yourself.

After several minutes of crying, he was resting against you, every once in a while hiccupping from the crying.

"I-I l-let t-them win Y/N..." Vic said, hiccupping his way through his sentence.

"Let who win?" you asked softly stroking his hair.

"The bullies... I C-couldn't ha-handle it a-anymore..."

You didn't know how to respond. So after a moment of silence you said, "You have to stop you know..."

"I know..." he said.

"Does Mike know?"

He stayed silent for a second.

"He found me the other day... Right in the middle of it..."

"Oh my god..." you said, as you hugged him tightly.

"I cant set a bad example for him... I don't want him to follow my footsteps."  He said, sitting up more.

You nodded at him, as you moved some hair out of his face.

"You're strong, you know. You're stronger than anyone I've ever met... You're still here, and you're still fighting. You can beat anything." you said.

"I believe in you, Vic... I really do." you gave him a small smile.

Vic wiped his face one more time and let out a shaky breath.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too." You said.

He grabbed your hand.

"Thank you.... For everything. All the help you've given me... All the times you defended me, all the times you were there for me, even if it meant you got in trouble for weeks. and thank you for every happy moment you've ever given me." he said.

He slowly began to lean in, and you did too, knowing what was happening.

As your lips met his, you felt fire burn through you.

You loved Vic so much,  and now you knew that he loved you too.

As you parted Vic laughed.

"Maybe I should wash my face..." he joked.

You smiled, and helped him stand up.

"Do you think Mike is mad at me?" he asked.

You shook your head. "Just worried." you said back.

He nodded. "Let's make it right then." he said.

He let out a deep breath and opened his door. To both your surprise and Vic's, Mike was sitting on the floor, in front of Vic's door, and he looked so confused and sad, but as he looked up at his brother, he stood up, stepped forward, and then wrapped his arms around Vic.

After they  shared some heart felt words, you felt it was your time to go, since it was late.

"Y/N... Wait." Vic said as he grabbed your wrist.

"Yeah?" you asked.

"Stay." he said.

You looked down for a second, and then back up to his eyes.

You nodded. "Okay."

He smiled and led you back to the bedroom, where you slept in each others arms.



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