Life is Full of Surprises

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Madison's POV

"Madison! Did you not go to the grocery store yesterday?!" Matt yells, waking me up.  I rub my eyes and sluggishly get out of bed.  Matt is standing in the kitchen with an angry look on his face with his arms crossed.  I can't help but smile and shrug my shoulders.  Matt's stern face eventually turns to a smile and he starts to laugh.  I run up and jump into his arms.  He hold me tight.

"Is it just me or do I smell pancakes?"

"Cam's Famous Pancakes?!"

I throw on my robe and we both rush out the door and over to Laura and Cam's apartment.  We burst through the door and head right for the kitchen.  We both prepare ourselves a plate and rush over to their table and Matt grabs the remote. "Oh god please not ESPN again!" I whine.

"I just need to check the score!"  He says.  I roll my eyes and continue to eat the delicious pancakes!  Lauren heads out to work at the hospital.  I wave her goodbye.  Cam comes over to the table and grabs the remote turning off the TV.    "Hey! What the hell did you do that for!!" Matt yells.

Cam is a little shocked by his response.  He tells us he needs our advice for an anniversary gift.  "Well I'm going to get us a dog and some plane ticket to Paris. What do you think?" 

I scream and rush over to hug him! "She'll love it!!!" 

"And there's something else..." he mumbles to the point where I can barely hear him.  


"I would like to um... propose.. to her..!"  I scream even louder! Matt comes over and smiles hugging Cam and congratulating him.  I was totally overjoyed!!

"When are you gonna do it?!" I ask eagerly.  

"I don't know.. I was thinking in Paris? In front of the Eiffel Tower?"


"Yep!" he answers with a big smile on his face.  I rush over and hug both of them, smiling the entire time!  I was so happy for Laura!!  We sat and talked for a while, since none of us had to go to work today.  Matt started his job with Cam as a YouTuber and Viner.  They have both been so successful! I got hired at...  Both Matt and I are extremely happy living in our little one bedroom apartment.  Matt turns to me after Cam heads to the kitchen to clean up. "Can we go somewhere? Just you and me?"  

"Of course!" I say as I reach in and kiss him.  He grabs my hand.  As we walk out the door, Matt calls out, "Good luck man!"

"Thanks guys!"  then Cam gives me a smirk as we walk out the door.  What was that about?? 

I choose to ignore it and we head back in the apartment.  "Just throw on some clothes and we'll head out?"

"And may I ask where we are going??" I smile as he pull me close our noses touching.

"Nope! It's a surprise!" He whispers.  As he kisses my lips, running his hands through my hair, slightly tugging at it.  I grab the ends of his hair and tug at them.  I feel his lips being to curve into a smile.  I throw on some jeans and one of Matt's t-shirts and we head out.  When we get to the car, Matt reaches into the back and grabs a scarf.  "And you have to wear this!" he ties it around my head.  I moan and he laughs as we drive off.

Matt's POV

"Are we almost there?"  Madison asks for the 100th time!  I laugh and kiss her cheek.

"Almost!"  I drive down LA.  Since there was no traffic we got there pretty fast.  I pulled up and parked.  

"YES! WE"RE HERE!!" Madison shouts. "Now can I take this thing off?" she points to the scarf.  I get out of the car and go over to the passenger door and open it.  I grab her hand and wrap my hand around her waist taking her to the top of the hill to the Hollywood sign.  We had never been here before, surprisingly and I figured it was the perfect place.  I slowly untied the blind fold.  Madison covered her mouth in shock.  I smiled and she wrapped her arms around me kissing me. 

"This is AMAZING!!! I love it Matt!!! I love you!"

"I love you too!" We walk around the sign for a bit and I try to get up the nerve to ask her the question I've been dying to ask.  I rub my hands together nervously and my throat is dry.   How am I gonna do this?  I wipe my clammy hands on my jeans and take a deep breath.  

"Madison?"  She turns around and looks at me.  I can't do this! "I have to ask you something.."


"Umm.... D-Do you want me to take your picture?"  Damn it! Why can I just ask her the fucking question!!!!!!!

She looks at me and smiles and nods.  I pull out my phone and we take a few pics.  Okay now you can do it! YOU'VE GOT THIS MAN!!

I get a text from Cameron.

1 iMessage


Well??!!! What did she say??

I take another few deep breaths and then grab Madison's hand and take her to the top of the hill.  "What's going on Matt?"  When she asks this I know that she can see that I'm nervous.  

"Madison," my voice shakes, "You are the love of my life and I knew from the day that I first met you at that little Starbuck in the mall that you were gonna be the girl to steal my heart.  And you have! I can't imagine being with any other girl! I know that we have had some bumps in the road but every great couple does! We are meant for each other.  And I'm absolutely in love with you! I love the way you tug at my hair, the way you always tell me 'Good Morning Love', the way you've stood by me through everything, the way you always believe in me.  I could keep rambling on because the truth is, I love everything about you!" I get down on one knee and pull out the ring.  I open the little black velvet box. She covers her mouth with her hands as tears fall down her cheeks and she smiles.  "Madison, I know that this isn't your dream proposal or anything, but I want to ask you in a place where I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you please be with me and be mine forever? Will you marry me?" 

"YESSSSS!!!! That was so beautiful!! I love you soo much!! YES!!"  She kisses me and it feels just like the first time.  I pull her in close and place the ring on her finger.  "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!" She shouts.  I smile and kiss her cheek.  "I love you!"

"I love you too!"

Living Our Future: Los Angeles and College Life (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now