Chapter One

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I can't breathe, everything is so blurry. Where am I........
Olivia pov
"Hush Livvie, no crying now it ruins the mood for me." His voice said in my ear
I shut my eyes as his hand started caressing my face. I felt his hot breath get closer when he smashed his lips on mine, trying to move my lips with his.
"Stop trying to fight me Liv. It'll be over quicker if you just relax." His voice whispered in my ear.
I kept thinking of Elliot and our kids. I'm trying to push through this just to be able to see them again.
I gripped the ropes tied to my wrist as hard as I could while he pushed himself into me.
"Oh my sweet Livvie." He moaned
When I woke up he was gone and the ropes were gone as well. The room was lighter as I looked around, I spotted a pair of clothes the same pair I had on the night I was abducted...... Five years ago
Maureen pov
I slowly opened the door to my parents bedroom. Ever since she was kidnapped five years ago, my dad completely lost it. She was pregnant before she left. The police aren't even sure if the baby is even alive after this long. My dad was just devastated, each and every day got worse, he got worse. I remember one night hearing my grandpa Don(Olivia's father) trying to get a gun out of my dads hand. He was ready to kill himself just to be with my mom again. So they had to bring Kathy my biological mom in our home since she passed all her psychological testing. Kathleen and Dickie barely say two words to her, and the twins just stay in their rooms keeping each other company. Our home is cold and I wish Olivia my real mom would come back home to us, so we can be a family again.
Elliot pov
How could this be happening again? Is this some kind of sign that we can't be together anymore? I sit here in complete solitude staring out the window, I heard the door creep open.
" Hey dad can I..... um sit in here with you?" I heard Maureen asked
"Of course" I responded
She closed the door and sat next to me bringing her knees up to her chin.
"I wish Kathy would just go away and mom would come home." She whispered
"Me too" I replied back
Maureen laid her head on my shoulder, I placed my arm around and let the tears fall.
I heard the door open again this time.
"What are you two doing sitting in the dark? She isn't coming back she is probably dead like they said move on with your lives geez." Kathy said in a snippy tone
"She is my mom. She will come back for us and then I will never have to see your face again!" Maureen screamed pushing past Kathy.
"Are you going to let our daughter talk to me like that?" Kathy asked me
"It takes more than just giving birth to a child to be a parent. You aren't her mother, Olivia is and will always be her mother. " I said
" Olivia isn't coming back this time" Kathy replied smugly
I forcefully pushed Kathy against the wall with my hand around her neck.
"What do you mean she isn't coming back this time? Do you have something to do with her kidnapping Kathy? So help me if you do, I'll have you on your knees begging me for mercy when I have gun against your head." I said darkly
I released her from my grip, she fell to the floor holding her chest coughing.
Dani pov
" I think she has spent enough hours alone without her baby. Bring the little girl to her mother." I replied
He just nodded and went off to get Olivia and Elliot's daughter Eleanor from her room. I watched through the monitor as the girl ran into Olivia's arms crying.
I don't know how much longer we can keep them both here, I'm getting bored. However he is having his fun with Olivia. He wasn't to pleased that I kidnapped her while she was pregnant.
Olivia pov
"Ellie, hi sweetie are they treating you okay?" I whispered into her ear
"Yes, mommy." She started to cry
"What's wrong baby?" I asked quietly
" I want to stay with you." She stuttered through her tears
I pulled her away from me looking right at her eyes. Reminding me of her father she has never met in the five she has been alive. She looked like me just with blue eyes; like all of her siblings my brown hair and Elliot's blue eyes.
" I'm going to get you out of here." I whispered
She just nodded.
I turned toward the monitor.
"Can we talk please?" I pleaded
Twenty minutes later
He came in.
"What would you like to talk about?" He asked
"Can someone take Eleanor to my husband? I'll stay. I just want her to be home with Elliot and her siblings please. I'm begging you." I pleaded once more
"Fine" he said
I quickly to a piece of paper, writing a note to Elliot explaining everything. I put it in Eleanor's pocket.
"Give this note to your dad his name is Elliot and tell him I love him and all of the kids. Okay?" I sobbed softly
"Okay. Aren't you coming home too?" She asked me
"No baby. Just be good and listen to your dad." I sobbed
I pulled Eleanor into a tight hug kissing her face.
" I love you Ellie" I whispered
" I love you too" she whispered back
He took out of my arms and they walked out of the room. I slid down and started crying and hoping someone would rescue me soon.
Eleanor pov
The man dropped me off at this house not even saying anything before driving off. I knocked on the door, a man with blue eyes like mine answered.
"Hi, my name is Eleanor. My mommys name is Olivia, she told me my daddy's name is Elliot. Are you Elliot?" I asked softly
His eyes watered. Then he smiled down at me.
"Yes I am Elliot your dad." He replied softly
I ran into his arms as tears fell from his face.
"I'm going to bring mommy home I promise." He said
"Elliot, who is at the door? Who is the little girl?" A blonde woman asked
"My daughter who you said was dead" he snapped at her
"Mommy told me to give this to you." I said
He took the note from me, putting me down.
Elliot pov
Dear Elliot,
This is Eleanor Amelia Stabler, she was born September 8 2010. She loves to draw and read. Her nicknames are Ellie, El and Duckie. I told her stories about you and the kids just so would connected to all of you.
I love you Elliot and tell the kids I love them too.
And El please find me. I don't know how much longer Dani will keep me alive.
                         Forever yours

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