Conversations with music labels, recording studios and execs finally came through right after the extension was announced. Harry, after arguing for months that it would be better for him lyrically to be living near his effervescent muse, finally was able to get permission to shift the recording center up from LA to Fairview. He even bought a little condo near downtown where he could write and record in peace. All just to be close to me.

It took some adjusting in goals, but I decided to focus my attention on Fairview College instead of City College, just so I could be with Harry. My acceptance letter from City College still hasn't arrived, but if things work out perfectly then I'll be living with Harry for 8 months a year while I get my degree and have Harry buy me really expensive gifts. It's all so close I can almost taste it, but only if I can get my parents approval. I need to know that they are okay with me being with him. I can't really describe why, but it feels like betrayal going behind their back to date one of the world's biggest superstars. And I'd rather much they hear about us through me than through the latest tabloids, which is why Harry needs to score on this dinner and charm my parents into actually believing that all the rumors they've ever heard about him were false, even though they most all proved to be correct. If my parents accept him, then its smooth sailing for the rest of my life. Provided we last that long, of course. Not that I'm thinking about the end of our relationship. I need to stop thinking or else I'll crash this car and then Harry will be fuming. Harry is amazingly attractive when he gets angry. I wonder if he'd fuck me on the top of a burning car. Okay back to the road.

"Vi? Vi....Hello?" A snap of Harry's fingers in front of my face brings me back to Earth. "You're ridiculous. I knew you were still tired after last night. Pull over, I'll drive."

I cover my mouth as a yawn escapes my lips. "No Harry, I'm fine. I told you, it's a really long and confusing way to my parents' house. You would just get lost while I sleep and then we'd end up on the Mexican border. Besides, I don't see the point of us getting there on time anymore. It's not like you were going to try to please them. I mean, it might not matter to you, but I thought you'd understand that it means a lot to me." My voice is calm and leveled. Not angry, not frustrated, but completely business like.

Harry reaches over and takes my hand. "It matters to me too, Vi. But sooner or later they're going to learn everything you're trying to hide from them. It might as well come straight from the source." He brings the hand to his lips and places a gentle kiss. "If you want me to follow the rules, I will. But I sincerely think that we're going about this the wrong way."

We ride silent after that, me not having any reply and Harry not having any elaborations. We just let the intensity of the moment soak in until the butterflies in my stomach soon became birds that pooped all over my stomach walls. I have the words on my lips; I just can't seem to decide if I should say them.

"I'm not ashamed of you, Harry. I'm not going to be ashamed of my heart." I almost whisper. Harry stays deeply quiet and stares out the window.

The car stays silent for a while. The road is mostly clear, so we're able to stop about half an hour away from my parent's house for a gas break. Harry goes to tinkle while I stay behind and fill up the car, my mouth parched from the intense atmosphere of the car. I didn't know arguing with someone could drain you this much. I'm just done filling the tank when Harry steps out of the station with a beer in one hand and a diet Pepsi in the other. He walks up to me and holds up the diet Pepsi.

"I thought you'd be thirsty." He takes a sip from his beer. "Say, what do you think about gas station restroom sex? I think it would be worth a try—"
"Harry, throw that away! You're not going to my parents buzzed off of beer."

"I'm not going to get buzzed off of one beer. You know it's a little insulting of you to think I have a tolerance of a 12 year old." He adds large swig from his bottle to prove his point.

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