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"Okay, so some ground rules. First, keep your tattoos covered. Not that they aren't sexy, but if we're going to sell the whole "Harry Styles is a good man" shit to my parents, then you need to be as clean cut as possible. Second, don't talk about singing. Or your music. Or your past. Or anything else with the words "drunk" and "fuck". My parents aren't particularly simpatico with the Hollywood crowd. Not that they've met any of them, but you know how parents are. Well, I don't know if you know. Are things different in England? What does your mom say about Hollywood? Is she anything like my mom? Because my mom will eat you alive for —"

"Calm down. Everything will be fine." Harry stared out the window as I pushed the car to 80 on the freeway so we wouldn't be late. If my parents hate anything, it's being tardy.

I shoot Harry a look. "No, everything won't be fine unless you obey the rules. You don't know my parents, I do. And I can't have them thinking you're a 20 year old slut who gets drunk at strip clubs every week."

"But I am a 20 year old slut who gets drunk at strip clubs. And I do it more often than that."

I tighten my grasp around the steering wheel. He just doesn't get it does he?

"Rule number 3." I continue. "Do not get all touchy feely with me as long as they're around. We don't want them thinking you've already manhandled me and gotten me pregnant."

"So that episode where I manhandled you on the kitchen countertop last night until you passed out from exhaustion shouldn't come up? Noted."

I whip my head around and stare at him, glancing every few seconds back to the road. "What the hell is your problem? Can you not see how nervous I am right now? And all you want to do is crack jokes which can really kiss a horse's ass with how funny they are." I shift my eyes back onto the road.

"Why are you nervous, Vi? It's just dinner with your parents, not a personal encounter with Al Qaeda. Calm down or I'll make you pull over so I can drive."


"No Vi. If I didn't know any better I'd think that you were ashamed of me."

I must be blushing like I had something to hide, because when I looked over to Harry he stared back at me with disbelief.

"You're ashamed of me? Oh this is so rich Vi, even for you." Harry shook his head and brought his hand to his lips. I tried to keep my eyes on the road, but Harry rubbing his lips tender with his fingers did bad things with my body. I forced myself to pry my eyes off of Harry and focus on not crashing into anybody. Fifteen minutes to go and we were halfway into a two hour journey. If only I could've decided what to make Harry wear on time. I'd spent 2 hours just to pick out a striped teal and white shirt with a collar and the navy blue skinny jeans he always wears.

I hastily changed lanes and sped up. It was probably a risky move, but the risk was worth it if it helped my parents accept Harry. They were the last piece of the puzzle, the last obstacle I had to overcome to be with Harry. It's been almost 5 months since our last meeting, and with constant Skype calls and messaging we were able to keep in touch as Harry traveled Europe. He had promised me he would come back to me once the tour was over, but the success of the concert motivated the music execs to extend to the tour by adding more American dates. So Harry got a 6 month extension on his tour, which meant being able to come back to Fairview for just two days to play another show. One of which was entirely wasted by the concert.

I haven't really mentioned much about that night 5 months ago to my parents. I mean, how could I? It was one of the most erotic and heartbreaking nights of my life, not to mention the best night of my life. It was the night I fell in love with Harry Styles, the dominating and irresistibly sexy alpha who happened to be chased by at least half of the world's population. And out of all of them, he chose me.

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