Well Hello there

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 Okay, so since the last few chapters where set in the last parts of Harry's 6th year, I'm going to do the next few in 7th. (after this one) Sorry for anyone that wanted more from 6th year, I just want this story to keep growing, and I may have a surprise at the end of this story. MAYBE. 

Anyway, this chapter is for kittay_cat because they're just awesome. I'll start doing this more often...maybe.. I change my mind and forget things faster then the Road Runner. 
 Also, this will mostly be a Ron and Hermione chapter. Just a heads up. It's just how i imagined happened during the summer between 6th and 7th year. 

                                                                This is the Summer before 7th year.

 "You have to do what?!" Draco asked me. He rolled his eyes at me and fell down into the chair hind him. " Draco, That's what I was doing when Dumbledore... I just have to do it." I said trying not to push him to a subject that got him upset. " Harry, I understand but that is dangerous. You know what happened last time you went on a mission by your self . Someone died. Someone who you cared about deeply." 

 I knew he was walking about my God Father but he also knew that I didn't want to talk bout him.

 I sighed and sat down just as an Owl came and landed next to Draco. He took the letter off the bird and read what was on it. 
 After a few moments Draco stood up and sighed. " It was from my Aunt, she needs me to return from my 'date with Pansy' so she can tell me about my next job."  I stood up and hugged him. " I know how much you hate those jobs and that they're hard of you, but it is really helping the order." I said trying to help him feel better. He smiled and quickly peaked my lips and them turned on his heel and apperated. ( I am so sorry, I have no idea how to spell that word, I hope you know what I mean.)
I smiled and walked out of the hotel room we were in so that we could talk with out people looking at us weird because to the rest of the world, we hated each other. 

 " Well, time to head back to hell." I said and I walked up to the fire place and used the Floo network to the Dursley's place. 

 Once I arrived, I looked at the clock."2 am." 



  Hermione was crying. Not just a silent cry, it was a heart broken cry. " Ron. I, I had to do it. It was the only way to keep them safe. If they where ever taken by You-Know-Who I don't know what I would do with myself." I pulled her close to me as she cried even harder. " Ron Dear, what's wrong with the poor girl?" I mom asked as she brought up some lunch for us. " Well ya see mum, Hermione kinda wiped her self from her parents memory then ran away to here."

 Mom wiped a tear from her eye and walked out of my room, giving us so time alone. 

 Hermione cried until the sun started to go down. " Oh, Ronald, I'm so sorry I cried for that long. I, I just can't stand the thought of when ever they hear my name or see my face, they'll have no idea who I am or the things we did. They won't remember the day I got my letter, or the day that they'll die, I won't find out or be invited to their burial." Her eyes started to tear up again, but I placed a hand on her cheek and gently made her look at me. " Hermione, you did this to keep them from getting hurt or worse. If I was in your position I would have done the same if I could figure out how." That made her smile a sad smile. 

 I leaned and placed my forehead on hers and smiled as she closed her eyes in content.After a few minutes I kissed her quickly then got up. " It's been a long day, we should get some sleep." I said as I walked in to my bathroom. She nodded and left to go change into her night clothes.  

 After I had changed, I walked back into my room and saw Hermione laying on my bed asleep. Her messy hair was everywhere and she had a slight smile on her face that made it seem like we where normal teens with normal lives and didn't have to worry about our best friends, families, and our self where going to get killed. 

 I questioned if I should wake her up so that mum wouldn't kill me, but I heard a small cough from behind me. " Just go to bed Ron. She needs you." It was dad. " But mum." I started. Dad shook his head. " I'll talk to her. Good night son." " Night dad."
 I got into my bed as softly as I could so I wouldn't wake her up. Once I got settled in, Hermione rolled so that she was nestled up to me. I draped my arm around her and fell asleep soon after words.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------That morning------------------------------------------------------

 I woke up to someone pressing a soft kiss onto my lips. I slowly opened my eyes to see Hermione smiling at me sleepily. "Hello there." I said with my voice sounding groggy. She smiled and said " Good morning Ronald."
 I wrapped my arms around her waist and moved her so that she was laying on top of me. " You know, sometimes I wish you wouldn't call me that." I said playfully. 

 That was how we spent most of our day as we waited fro news on what we were going to do to get Harry to his safe house.

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