Let go

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My friend, you've been great
But I am the complete opposite

I make your day worse
I am the cause of destruction

And to hear it from you
I am relieved, just for you to know

And may I remind you
You said it yourself

"You don't deserve to be treated like this"
"You're just going to stop being friends with me"

Maybe you're correct
I will stop

For the sake of us
This has to end

We're a burden to each other
We shouldn't even be

Oh my dearest friend
I want to say thank you for everything

I guess it's time for me to go
It's the time for me to leave

For you to be free
And for me to be

Let us unlock these chains
And let us spread our wings

But I will be the first one to flee
Take care of thy self

Farewell my friend ;

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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