1. Prologue

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by Kritirio

1. Prologue

You're all teens' right. Most of you must know how it feels like to like someone, to have a crush on someone, to feel that bitter sweet feeling known to us all as love. But how many of you have felt betrayal, how many of you have felt the sharp pain that stings your heart, how many of you have felt your heart break to a million pieces and how many of you have your world turned upside down by the one person you call your best friend, by someone you love enough to turn down godhood, to bath in Styx to protect her, to fight time itself to be with her, to go against the planet earth just to see her again. Well if you have then I assure you, you're not alone. I, Perseus Jackson, savior of Olympus, bane of Kronos, arch enemy of Gaia and son of Poseidon, share your pain.

Well my brothers I don't know how to start this story, so lets just begin with the saddest part. You see It was right after we won the giant war, Gaia was forced back to her slumber and the giants were thrown into Tartarus. Olympus, seeing the bravery of the demigods decided to grant all seven of us gifts.


"Rise young demigods" Zeus's voice thundered in the throne room of the gods.

"You have saved Olympus yet again for which I and the entire counsel here is immensely thankful" the other gods nodded their heads in approval of Zeus's statement.

"Now I believe that this counsel must reward you for your services" Zeus stated as warm grin made its way across his face.

"Jason Grace" as those words left Zeus's mouth, Jason stepped forward and said "Yes father"

"What do you ask for from this counsel, ask anything you want son and I swear on the Styx that if it is within reason I will grant it to you"

Jason looked shocked, I mean who wouldn't be, it's not every day that a god asks you what you want and takes a solemn vow to give it to you. Jason appeared to have gone into hibernation because he was just standing there, eyes wide open, staring at the foot of his father's throne. After Jason didn't reply for five minutes Zeus spoke, "let me help you choose son, how does the of god of aero logy sound to you" okay if I said Jason was stunned when he Zeus offered to give him god hood, I would be understating by astronomical measures.

"Well what do you say son? Do you accept?" Zeus asked.

Jason broke out of his Stance and replied "What about piper? I can't leave her, I love her too much for that" by the time Jason reached the end of his sentence his face was turning into a shade of red. I looked over at Piper and she was the same.

"Well then seeing she was also a part of the quest I will offer her the same gift but her domain will be given to her by her mother" Zeus answered leaning back on his throne.

Jason and Piper looked at each other and had one of those silent conversations, after five minutes they looked up at Zeus and said "We accept" in unison.

As soon as those words left their mouths, a bright yellow light hit a Jason and a white and pink light hit Piper. A few second later their skin began to glow golden and they grew to the same size as the gods. I looked at my friends with an expression of awe and happiness.

"Wow" said Jason before he collapsed, followed by his girlfriend. Thank gods Apollo jumped and caught them or I would have turned into a bloody mess.

"Take them to the infirmary and let them rest for a while" ordered Zeus. Apollo disappeared and reappeared after a few seconds.

"Perseus Jackson" roared Zeus, hearing my name I stepped forward.

"Yes, my lord"

"I offer the same thing I offered my son, do you accept?"

Honestly the idea of being a god did intrigue me, I was given the choice after the Titan war and now I was being given the same choice again. But I knew I wouldn't say yes, you see I owed two gods something for helping me in the fight against Gaia and had promised myself that I would do something for them in return.

"I'm thankful lord Zeus but I'm sorry I cannot accept this" I said with respect in voice, Zeus and the other Olympians looked surprised.

"Think again son, this is a generous gift, don't make a choice you might regret" my father said with that fatherly wisdom of his.

"I'm sorry father but I can't" I said with a bit of remorse in my voice.

"Very well then if you don't want god hood, what is it that you wish for Perseus, say it and I swear upon the Styx to give it to you as long as it is with my power." Zeus swore and thundered roared sealing the pact.

"I wish that lord Hades and Lady Hestia be made Olympians" everyone in the room looked utterly shocked, I looked towards the hearth and saw Hestia smiling at me and by her side was Hades who wore an expression of surprise and great-fullness.

"What? why would you wish for something like that" Zeus questioned.

"Both these gods helped me during my quest; I'm simply returning the favor". Zeus seemed to be at an utter loss for words but finally he regained himself and started chanting in a language I couldn't understand.

By the time Zeus was done two new thrones flashed into existence. A black throne sat next to Zeus's blue one and all of a sudden Hades appeared and sat on it. Then a flame colored throne appeared next to lady Artemis's throne and Hestia appeared and sat upon it.

"Thank Lord Zeus" I bowed and backed away. Zeus gave me a nod and was about to call on the next hero when I heard a voice inside my head.

'Noble deeds young hero, not many demigods will turn down god hood twice for the benefit of someone else' the voice spoke in my head.

'Who are you?' I thought.

'Come now Perseus, don't tell me you don't recognise your grandmother' grandmother, what the heck. When did I get a grandmother? Okay stupid question but still, the voice must have sensed my confusion because it spoke again.

"Hmm...well I guess you don't recognize me, well I'm Rhea, Titan wife of Kronos and mother of the big three" okay now I was freaking out because I just finished a war against one freaky primordial and I am in no mood to start one with another.

'Do not be afraid, young hero. I'm not here to fight you. I come to warn of the pain you are about to feel and to give you a gift".

'What do you mean Lady Rhea?' I replied in my head.

'Please call me grandmother' she asked in a sweet voice.

'Okay, what do you mean grandma?'

I said with happiness because I had a grandma.

'You will soon find out' she said and then I felt her leave my head.

"Annabeth Chase" Zeus's voice dragged me back to reality.

"Do you accept to become the goddess of architecture" I knew Annabeth would say no because if she said yes she would have to leave me so I just stood there waiting for her to say no.

"Yes" was all I heard before I felt a pain sting my heart, then the pain extended into my body. I felt as if my blood was being drained out of my circulatory system and then I collapsed. All I remember is looking into a pair of silver eyes before blackness took over.

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