Kitchen Redecoration (Re-Edited)

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Hello people! If you chould check out my good friends Celiex97 (Person who this is dedicated to) when you have a chance then you'd make me super happy and my friends extremely grateful; she's one of the people having trouble getting reads without SYS. 

Serenity stood shaking over the kitchen sink. Her trembling hands gripped the counter in a bone breaking grip that hurt her hands but nothing could make her loosen her grip, it was the only thing keeping her from buckling onto the floor. The water was running at it’s highest pressure and Serenity watched the rushing water disappear down the drain in a foaming froth of bubbles. The sound of water hitting the sink and draining away was loud, but not nearly loud enough.

Samantha was still screaming.

She had been able to go a full twenty minutes, after Mr. Thorne got started, without a single scream but all good things come to an end. It had been three hours since the first scream and there hadn’t been a moment of peace, just screams as bottomless as the dark hole Serenity was staring into. There was a bright side, Samantha hadn’t started begging, but that small gift would only last so long.

Samantha was still screaming.

It couldn’t last much longer. No one could keep screaming at such a pitch for so long. Had it really been only three hours? It seemed like longer. The clock face told her otherwise but Serenity had trouble believing it. She was certain she had been standing longer. She wished that her tremors would stop, it was making standing difficult. How much longer would Mr. Thorne take? Maybe they had stopped a long time ago and Samantha’s screams were a manifestation of Serenity’s guilty conscious.

Samantha was still screaming.

It was never going to stop. Serenity just wanted it to stop. Mr. Thorne would never let it stop. He could play Samantha like an instrument; making her hit all the right notes and tuning her to the perfect pitch was easy for him. It was his version of conducting a symphony in Serenity’s honor. There was only one way to stop the music from playing; the ultimate decision that plagued Serenity’s mind. Committing it would be the ultimate sin and damn her to an eternity of fire but it would also sell her soul to both the Devil and Mr. Thorne. He would own her. Although she was fairly certain Mr. Thorne was the Devil’s spawn.

Samantha was still screaming.

Serenity’s hands went from the counter to her ears and the palms smothered the entrance to her ears. The screams still persisted and her hands did little to dull the torment. They vibrated within the confines of her mind and clawed mercilessly at her soul. Serenity’s nails dug into the skin around her ears as she pressed down harder and left red crescent shaped markings; she barely processed the pain. Why wouldn’t it end already!


Serenity grabbed the nearest dish and hurled it across the room. The dish exploded against the wall and it’s shattered pieces decorated the floor, but that small bit of havoc was not enough to satisfy Serenity’s need for an outlet to vent her frustration. She grabbed another one and it met the same destructive fate, it’s fragments lying on the floor. Another dish was thrown at the wall, followed by another, and another, each one being destroyed on impact. The small burst provided with a momentary release but it wasn’t enough. Dish after dish was thrown at the wall until there were no longer any within reach.

Serenity slammed open the cupboards and attacked their contents as well. Forks, knives, spoons, and other utensils spilled onto the floor in a flood of silver. Platters were sent hurtling across the room and were quickly followed by tins and boxes of tins. Pots and pans started to fly and bounced back with a violent clatter, only to land onto the broken dishes and crush them even farther.

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